Wednesday, March 30, 2016

2016 Spring March 30 Wednesday

63 degrees this morning, walk 47:23 minutes (strong wind)

Listening to book this morning heard about “Relativism”, which basically means that standards (I assume ethical, moral and otherwise) may be different for different cultures, situations etc. depending on the culture, organization etc.  

I don’t think they are trying to say that is right or wrong, just that it is the way it is.

I imagine that each organization, culture, country etc. do have their own standards relative to their history, acceptable standards of how to act etc.  

Still it seems that there are some basic standards that are, or at least should be, true for all organizations, cultures and countries.  

Of course, there is also the “Relativism” that standards differ based on the situation etc.  

I also learned from listening to the book that Socrates apparently was very intelligent and had a gift for conversation, but he “had the lips and face of a donkey” (according to him) and he once won (or lost) an “ugly”  vote. Apparently he was also too busy thinking to bathe very often or change clothes.  

April is what I consider to be  the “swing month” between cool weather and warm weather, although it can still be cool in early May.  At least April is usually a month when there is some beautiful weather as well as probably storms.

Thinking this morning about Politicians (probably from the thoughts about “relativism”, I am always surprised about how they can suddenly change their “beliefs” and whom they support.  Opportunistic perhaps defines it.  

Not that I really blame them, they believe in political survival at all costs, but it seems there is also something to say for a politician who stays the course and doesn’t flit from belief to belief.  

Obviously I don’t have the answer for that, but I am thinking on it.  

We are gradually settling into the house, deciding where things go etc.  I will be so glad when we are completely moved in, although you are never “completely” moved in, since furniture changes etc.  

I am thinking of getting a weight bench with a “bar” on it for the first time in about 14 years.  I’ve been carrying the weight bar and weights around for years.  

The weights have actually come in handy (as a stopping point for a car in the garage etc.).  I have been using bar bells and have a weight bench without the bar stand, but it’s not the same.

I guess in a sign of “you get what you pay for”, I found a weight bench that probably would have been “good enough” for less that half the price of a “Standard” weight bench, but after thinking about it, I decided to pony up the money for the “standard” weight bench on the theory that I am more likely to use it and it is probably safer than the cheap version.  

Of course, there is always the danger that I won’t use it, but I am pretty sure I will, based on my history. 

There is always a certain satisfaction with the bench press and other weight lifting you do with the “long bar”  that isn there with just barbells.

Forecast for stormy weather the next day, including potential tornadoes.  Time to clean out and stock the storm shelter!

That’s it for now, Wednesday, March 30, 2016

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