60 degrees this morning, Walk 36:42 minutes
Reminded of the value of all items that contribute to a successful walk this morning. I have a thin “windbreaker” type of jacket that is made of some type of genius material that is supposed to keep you warm in winter and cool in summer, and also be porous etc.
It works, as I found out when I forgot to put it on this morning! It is a very thin material, but it is strong and very wind resistant, at least as far as protecting me from the coolness of the wind. It is also is the “high visible yellow” that appears to be bright green.
I wear it from anywhere below 70 degrees and sometimes even warmer because, in two words “It works”.
I think that is similar to any organization or project. Everything and everybody contributes to the success of of a mission. In my case, I just want to have a safe walk without getting cold.
However, thinking about both current (and past and future) projects and organizations, a lot of “things” and people contribute.
:When I really start to think what it takes for an organization to function, it is amazing sometimes at what gets done. It is literally a contribution by everyone, regardless of how little or how much that contributes to success.
Probably I wouldn’t complain about poor service (which is actually relatively rare) and shake my head in wonder at how good of service is provided by many organizations and businesses,especially when you think of what all is involved.
Of course, in most sees, it isn’t just the people in the organizations who are involved, it is many other businesses, suppliers, contractors and even customers.
Anyway, I plan on concentrate on looking at what makes each organization I come into contact with and admire the fact that it can function, much less provide normally excellent service.
I see it a lot in my work, where a business is almost always open on time, gets work done and usually provides quality service.
Part of my thoughts are based on my listening to the “Civil War” history and how supplies etc. and lack of normal commerce had a major factor on the Civil War (or any war or any time actually).
Listening to my iPod, had to start over again.Somehow I seem to be hitting the “side b” of every album, if you know what I mean. (Meaning i haven’t heard it before and there is apparently a reason-it isn’t much good!)
“Sometime’ I need to go through and sort out the sones I don’t like, but I have feeling I will never do it.
I will be more likely to go through and increase my “playlists” of songs I do like,which is probably more efficient anyway! i
Also, I never know when a song I din’t like may start to appeal to me and I start to like it!
I am slowly starting to find everything from the move. It is amazing where I thought to put items when I moved. I am sure when I put them there I thought how obvious it would be!
The weather is starting to be “spring like” (i.e. storms). Now we don’t really know if something is thunder or an earthquake!
I have only actually felt about four earthquakes, but I will take a severe thunderstorm anytime to an earthquake. I’m not sure what the difference is, but I know it when I fell it!
That’s it for now, Tuesday, March 8, 2016.
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