Monday, March 07, 2016

2016 Winter March 7 Monday

62 degrees this morning, no walk (light rain)

Monday already! 

We are starting to notice the grass freeing up, some flowers out.  The Bartlett Pears are blooming in all their glory.  Maybe they will make it this year without a freeze (if I don’t jinx them with this comment!)

The was in the mid 70’s over the weekend.  It is strange how even with the temperature in the mid 70’s, it seems to have a touch of cold in it whereas this summer the same temperature won’t have it.  Or at least it won’t seem to have it.

For some reason this has seemed like an exceptionally long winter.  Of course, actually it has been filed , it just seemed like there wasn’t any breaks.

Working on taxes.  The tax programs (Turbo Tax in my case) have made doing taxes a lot easier.  However, they don’t always explain what is going on.

Yesterday, I did some manual tax preparation because I really didn’t believe TurboTax was correct in how much we owed!  Unfortunately, it was correct.

Since we didn’t own a house the entire year we can’t itemize this year, which means all of the time and paperwork on donations, the home office etc.  were basically for nothing!  I on’t mind the donations so much, at least hopefully they did some good even if we don’t get the deductions.  

Also, it sounds rather strange, but we saved a relatively significant amount of money since in this state, when you build a house, for the first calendar year you pay taxes only on the value of the land, not the house, so we paid very little in property taxes last year.  

I can see the advantages of buying a house versus renting, we are spending about the same amount of monty (excluding repairs etc.) but now can deduct it and basically get a 25-30 % rebate, in essence.  

Like almost everyone else, I wouldn’t mind paying taxes if I really thought they were fair.  Of course I see all the time “special deals” for certain companies or people etc who have enough money to pay off the politicians for special treatment.  

Heavy dream yesterday morning.  I woke up thinking it was real and finally wrote it down.

Dream Sunday,March 6

Dreamed I was in Kansas City.  The dream took place isn he 4th floor of an apartment. 

I don’t know how I knew it was in Kansas City. 

Not sure where Aliene was, but I was in an apartment working and it wasn’t mine!

I seemed to float through the apartment, ignored by apartment residents.  

The apartment was at the top of some old style stairs.

After a while I left for awhile and came back and realized I was in he wrong apartment since none of my stuff (computer, files etc.) was there.    

(I had taken out part of it when I left)

I walked out and realized there was an another apartment but my stuff wasn’t there either.  

I thought about asking the residents where my stuff was.

I asked out and realized there was another apartment, so I went into that apartment.  Again, I seemed to float around the the residents didn’t really pay attention.

Finally I went out and saw the actual apartment, with the door ajar.  

I talked down the stairs and two people, a large man and a woman were coming up.

I thought I could  be arrested for breaking and entering if I went in to get my computer.

Than I woke up, it took me a while to realize it was only a dream!.

That’s it for now, Monday, March 7, 2016. 

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