Friday, March 18, 2016

2016 Winter March 18 Friday

51 degrees this morning, no walk (still have sore throat, some coughing)

Saw an episode on a show last night that struck me.  

In the show, the character is told to “you have to go get what you want” or words to that effect.
Anyway, when he makes the decision, the gate to where he had been clanged shut (and I assumed locked).  

A lot of decisions are that way, the gate to going back clangs shut and is locked. Actually, you could say that every decision, in it’s own way, is irreversible and the gate locks on going back.

You can go back, but it is never the same, the decision has changed the situation so what was then isn’t now, so to speak.  

I guess you could look at the journey of life as a series of locked gates on roads that lead you on your journey, as you make one decision, the gates lock on any other decision you may make and you are changed and can’t go back.  

Of course, lots of times, the road you want isn’t there right when you have to make a decision also!  

Tired of being sick, to say the least.  Jut feel bad enough that I know I don’t feel good and not really bad enough to go to the Doctor, although I will if it hangs on.  

Technology has really improved medicine in the communications area!  We communicate with our Doctor by e-mail as far as test results, questions about medicine etc.  He is amazing in how he responds so quickly to a question.  

We are also able to double check our appointments, billing etc. and have a record of all of our tests etc.. on a web site.  Hopefully it is secured well!

I do hope they eventually come up with some type of security system instead of passwords.  Sometimes I could swear they change the password on me, although I know they don’t  The problem is that there are different formats “required’.  Some require you to use non-letter characters, others don’t let you etc.  

Spring break here.  While it hasn’t really affected us that much, I can see the difference in many areas.  The malls have a lot more traffic during the day, hospitals (or at least medical clinics with testing facilities) are much slower than usual etc.  

Traffic patterns are a lot different also, especially on one route I take.  

We are probably ready for a “Spring Break” of our own, but need to finish moving in.  Feeling sick hasn’t helped motivate us to finish moving in, but we will soon feel better.

I think what I miss most is my morning walk, I will be so glad when I can start again.  I am eagerly awaiting listening to my next book (but only while I walk!) and the just overall positive effects I feel from the exercise.  

I lag badly behind in my biking program, but the only really goal I have is to get back to where I can enjoy biking again, with the possible goal of eventually riding in some longer rides and my “ride with the Summer”, which I would like to do next year or the year after.  

I am eagerly awaiting biking again and finding new routes to ride my bike.  My walk generally is the same route everyday, but on the bike I like to bike into new areas and try different routes.  It is really fun.  

Spring will arrive tomorrow at 11:30 p.m., so tomorrow will be the last day I write “Winter” for about months, thank goodness!  Spring is almost here!

That’s it for today, Friday, March 18, 2016.

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