Wednesday, March 23, 2016

2016 Spring March 23 Wednesday

62 degrees this morning.  No walk.  Almost ready, but not quite, plus wind was exceeding 30 mph.  

I finally e-mailed my Doctor about the cold and he advised me a lot of “post nasal drip with a severe sore throat” was going around and he prescribed, or rather recommended, some over the counter medicine which seems to be working already.  

E-mail and texting may be he end of telephone calls!  I guess actually, telephone calls have already changed, supplemented a lot by e-mail, texting and all of the other social media. 

For several years now, or longer, cell phones have basically offered unlimited, toll-free calling and no one really cares, ditto unlimited texting.   What we care about now is how much data is in our plan!  

I can remember when my cell plan changed to allow “free roaming” of a certain number of minutes, we thought the ultimate was here.  

We didn’t realize that probably the phone company sensed that phone calls were on the way out, although this was long before the iPhone made it easy to access the internet and social media anywhere and anytime. 

I remember when I got my first Blackberry and realized the magic of getting e-mail anywhere.  

I wasn’t too nice to my Blackberry’s, I dropped my first one in a mud puddle (about a week after I got it) and the screen became a very pretty picture that didn’t make phone calls or e-mails!  

A few years later I put another Blackberry on the roof of my car as I was leaving, it feel off and was ran over by a car (or a number of cars).  About two weeks later, I get a phone call (on my Blackberry) that “I have your Blackberry”.  

A person who was spraying found it and finally called me.  He gave it back to me, but by then I was long gone from Blackberry’s with my iPhone 3, never to look back!  AT least that is the way I remember it, there may have been a cellphone or so in between that.  Time muddies memories of things like that.  

It is strange, we switched to a digital camera when our “regular” camera was stolen.  We were probably ready to switch anyway, but it is like we get pushed to change  technology sometimes!  I certainly never looked back from my digital camera!

Actually, the digital camera probably played as much of a role in the development of social media and “smart phones” as anything else.  Without digital cameras, you couldn’t post videos and pictures on Youtube, Facebook, Instagram etc.  (Hmmmm.)

Another dream, again a very powerful dream, this one I woke up feeling very disturbed by it, not sure why.  A dream is a dream.

3-22-16 Dream

Dreamed in a "Disney” park of some sort.

Again staying in a hotel.  Apparently I went out early and was expecting Aliene.

I was touring a factory, apparently where they made “4 wheelers” and small jeeps and buggys.  (kind of like fancy dune buggy)

For some reason I had picked up a small, but bulky, machine part type item and took it with me and just realized I had it after I left.

I walked back toward the factory, but by then it had turned into something else, almost  a resort area and I couldn’t find where I had been or anything that looked like someplace I could leave the part.

By then, the part had morphed into a type of portable device , that you could fold out to be a chair.  Since it was steel (or at least a heavy metal) it wasn’t very practical or wouldn’t be very comfortable.  

I got on a Disney type trolley and was going back to the hotel.  

I was trying to decide what to do with the large metal item I had.  It was like a collapsible chair.

I was looking at a person right  next to the trolley when I woke up.

That’s it for now, Wednesday, March 23, 2016.

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