Wednesday, March 02, 2016

2016 Winter March 2 2016

41 degrees this morning, walk 35:36 minutes

Today, marks 21 months since we moved to this area, 19 months in my job.  

Strange, it is such a relative short time, but it seems like it has been much longer.  Not that it was been bad, on the contrary, basically it has been enjoyable, it just seems like it has been a long time.  

Where we live now has a relatively long “quiet” street that is a main street for the addition, but has relatively little traffic.

This provides me with the opportunity to go on “electric vehicle” mode on the car.  Since it will kick off if I get over 25 mph, I can only do this is no one is behind me! 

Actually, the speed limit is 25 mph, but you know how that goes!

Anyway, I was surprised to find that this tactic (I can use it going out and coming back) has increased my gas milage about 2 miles per gallon, in fact I can’t really figure out the “cost per mile” in my head, but I know if is a very insignificant number.

On the other hand, it is something, and 2 miles per gallon based on the life of the car will be significant (I think!)

No matter, it is fun to try it, kind of like a game!  

Of course, 2 mpg is relatively insignificant 

“Super Tuesday” is over, probably the highest (national) political activity we will see, since I expect the state will be considered as a “safe” state in the general election.  For the short time it lasted, the increased political activity was fun!

I have to admit the Presidential campaign is reinforcing my feelings that the only thing worse than an poor loser is a poor winner who brays about how good they are!

Started swimming again.   It was very nice to get back into swimming again.  Hard to explain why I enjoy it so much, but sometimes, I just enjoy and don’t ask! 

One really good thing, I an get to the swimming poor in about 5 minutes, literally.  It is 1 1/2 mils.  That will be nice also!

Read a thoughtful Newsletter I was e-mailed last night.  I tend to read it first by just reading it, the go back and  review some of the main points.  Hopefully I will be able to discuss the Newsletter points with the person who sent it to me. 

Aa I mentioned on my thoughts on “learning”, I learn something a lot better if I discuss it with someone, or try to pass on my thoughts, either writing about it, or trying to do it.  

I think that was why I liked the 1 to 1 Apple program so well, I could try it before the session, get my questions answered during the session and then apply what I learned. 

Listening to the “Great Book” about the Civil War, I am always amazed at how little i do know!  I really  didn’t realize that Lincoln attempted to start “reconstruction” well before the end of the Civicl War.

Hopefully will get some new accounts at work today.  Either  today or tomorrow.  As I have mentioned before, it is like getting a present!

Mail is still not being forwarded.  I realize now I should have just put a “hold” on it, although I really thought the USPS was more efficient that it has demonstrated in this move.  The fact we are using the same Post Office we had before makes it really strange that it isn’t bing forwarded.

That’s it for now, Wednesday, March 2, 2016.

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