Thursday, March 31, 2016

2016 Spring March 31 Thursday (Happy Birthday Eleanor!)

60 degrees this morning, walk 48:08 minutes

A Happy Birthday to my sister, Eleanor.  Have a good one!

A wide variety of music on my iPod this morning  Started off with “Smells like Teen Spirit” to “Orange Blossom Special”  (my favorite song) to Jim Nabors singing “Christmas in my home town”!  Variety is the spice of life, so to speak.

I’m going to have to get around to developing some playlists, some time.  On the other hand, it is nice to be surprised by a variety of music.  

I used to have cassette tapes that were dedicated to one song.  For example, one cassette would have  all  my versions of “Orange Blossom Special”,  another “O Holy Night”, “Amazing Grace”, and “Four Seasons”  etc.  It became kind of surreal after awhile listening to it. 

After listening to it, I definitely came to appreciate certain versions etc.  

Actually, it would be relatively simple to do it now, simply search for the song and put it on a playlist.  

Listening to the book this morning about the development of Philosophy.  

One concept I remember is Socrates (I believe) who said that it is self interest for humans to be good, because if you do harm to others or yourself, you diminish your soul, so it is only self-interest to be good.  

Probably a good concept except  that than you get into the definition of harm, the definition of diminish etc.  

Another question is what about the satisfaction of revenge?  Anyway it is only a theory that is meant to facilitate and encourage discussion.  

Another philosopher Descartes (I believe) believed that you should only want the basic needs, otherwise you will want too much and never be satisfied.  He felt that wanting possessions, marriage, a career, would only lead to dissatisfaction He also had a belief about animals that I will need to review further. 

Give me dissatisfaction anytime!  

One thing, they lived their beliefs.

Perhaps the best thought this morning was that Plato wanted to get involved in politics and finally quit in disgust!  I can imagine!  

He also became disillusioned about politics, democracy etc. due to the abuses he saw in the system.  

I can certainly relate to some of his beliefs from what I have seen in elections!  Not that I agree, I just feel you need to keep trying to attain perfection, even though you will never actually do so. 

However, if we learn from our mistakes (assuming we do, which is a big if), we can at least obtain  “Kaizen” or “continuous improvement”.

Continuous improvement (which of course has some limitations and weaknesses when taken too far), hit me like a ton of bricks.  I can even remember when I heard it and the impact on me. 

I was taking a computer course (probably one of the first ones) from Rose State College and the term was introduced to me and expanded on in the course.  I don’t know what else I got out of the course, but I learned a basic concept I adopted for all phases of my life.  

No dreams for awhile, they seem to run in cycles.

That’s it for now, Thursday, March 31, 2016.

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

2016 Spring March 30 Wednesday

63 degrees this morning, walk 47:23 minutes (strong wind)

Listening to book this morning heard about “Relativism”, which basically means that standards (I assume ethical, moral and otherwise) may be different for different cultures, situations etc. depending on the culture, organization etc.  

I don’t think they are trying to say that is right or wrong, just that it is the way it is.

I imagine that each organization, culture, country etc. do have their own standards relative to their history, acceptable standards of how to act etc.  

Still it seems that there are some basic standards that are, or at least should be, true for all organizations, cultures and countries.  

Of course, there is also the “Relativism” that standards differ based on the situation etc.  

I also learned from listening to the book that Socrates apparently was very intelligent and had a gift for conversation, but he “had the lips and face of a donkey” (according to him) and he once won (or lost) an “ugly”  vote. Apparently he was also too busy thinking to bathe very often or change clothes.  

April is what I consider to be  the “swing month” between cool weather and warm weather, although it can still be cool in early May.  At least April is usually a month when there is some beautiful weather as well as probably storms.

Thinking this morning about Politicians (probably from the thoughts about “relativism”, I am always surprised about how they can suddenly change their “beliefs” and whom they support.  Opportunistic perhaps defines it.  

Not that I really blame them, they believe in political survival at all costs, but it seems there is also something to say for a politician who stays the course and doesn’t flit from belief to belief.  

Obviously I don’t have the answer for that, but I am thinking on it.  

We are gradually settling into the house, deciding where things go etc.  I will be so glad when we are completely moved in, although you are never “completely” moved in, since furniture changes etc.  

I am thinking of getting a weight bench with a “bar” on it for the first time in about 14 years.  I’ve been carrying the weight bar and weights around for years.  

The weights have actually come in handy (as a stopping point for a car in the garage etc.).  I have been using bar bells and have a weight bench without the bar stand, but it’s not the same.

I guess in a sign of “you get what you pay for”, I found a weight bench that probably would have been “good enough” for less that half the price of a “Standard” weight bench, but after thinking about it, I decided to pony up the money for the “standard” weight bench on the theory that I am more likely to use it and it is probably safer than the cheap version.  

Of course, there is always the danger that I won’t use it, but I am pretty sure I will, based on my history. 

There is always a certain satisfaction with the bench press and other weight lifting you do with the “long bar”  that isn there with just barbells.

Forecast for stormy weather the next day, including potential tornadoes.  Time to clean out and stock the storm shelter!

That’s it for now, Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

2016 Spring March 29 Tuesday

53 degrees this morning.  Walk 46:51 minutes

I am beginning to wonder about my walk.  My distance this morning is, I thought, the same as I used to walk, but I must be somehow adding a considerable length to it to make it 10 minutes more!  

Actually, I can prove it if I am walking more now, just by checking my iPhone when I last walked (before my hiatus due to my sore throat) and now.  Isn’t technology great!  

Of course, if my distance is the same, I have wonder why my time is so much more (10 minutes of a 36 minute walk is a lot) or if it is more now, I have to wonder what my route was that I am not remembering!!  I’m not sure which is worse!

Actually, my route, while simple, does include some “doubling back” that I may not have done before.  

Listening to the book on philosophy.  One part I remember is the theory that there is no  such thing as empty space, since if space is empty, it does not exist.  

Later philosophers postulated that this couldn’t be true, so they stated there were “voids” and when a “void” existed, atoms rushed to fill the void.  Ok.

Regardless of how their theories look today, you have to admire them for thinking so deeply about such concepts without any real way of studying them to discover elements of their theories which may be right or wrong.

Looking forward to my next book.

That reminds me, in what I heard this morning, one of the concepts was that “happiness is not wanting anything more”, perhaps in other words, “balance is happiness” and when reality and expectations are in balance, a person is happy, or at least satisfied. 

I have to agree with a lot of that idea, that if you can balance your expectations and reality, you can at least save a lot of grief by now wanting more all the time.

I think that helps explain the situations when someone literally has more money than they ever can spend, but actually commit criminal acts to get more, even if it is a relatively small amount.  

I assume if your expectations and wants are always growing, you will never be satisfied or at peace. 

Of course, on the other side, if you don’t have expectations of wanting to improve your situation, you won’t have the incentive to advance or change.  

I have found when it is time for you to change, something external seems to happen to push the change, even if you (in a figurative sense) are satisfied with the status quo.

Just thinking this morning about the times in my life when I have been forced to change the status quo (moving to another town as  a child etc.).  What they say about “always being for the better” quite frankly isn’t true.   Sometimes, it isn’t for the better and no platitudes will make up for that.

On the other hand, if you don’t change, something will happen to push you into change, so perhaps it is better to initiate your own change and have some control over it!

I’m not sure what that has to do with controlling your expectations   Expectations are important, so I guess it all falls back to being able to control your expectations and use it as an incentive, but don’t get greedy!   

I guess if you get greedy, that is when you get “out of balance” and dissatisfied, so the importance of “balance” illustrates itself again.

That’s it for now, Tuesday, March 29 2016.

Monday, March 28, 2016

2016 Spring March 28 Monday

37 degrees this morning, walk 34:34 minutes (shortened)

Somehow I wonder if “Spring” is really here or not!  I see snow and frozen trees in Kansas and Colorado, so I don’t feel too bad with just cold weather!

Start of another “work week” today. I really wish Spring weather would arrive.  This is a “field day”, which is always a lot nicer when it is warm, but I guess at least it isn’t raining or snowing, and I expect it will warm up.

Walked “shortened” walk this morning due to the weather, also still getting back into it.  As usual, seeing it was “37 degrees feels like 33 degrees” caused me to dress too warm, but I guess better than dressed too little.

Actually I have found that light clothes are normally ok in almost any kind of weather (at least that I amy encounter around here) when I am walking fast, although the wind also has to be accounted for.  I warm up fast!  

Listening to the book on the development of philosophy, the one thought I learned that stuck out today was that the beliefs of the development of nature and the beliefs of philosophy etc. are much different in different areas.  

The specific was how the beliefs of liquid may have been different in a tropical area as opposed to an area like north Alaska etc!  

I believe that is one reason that if is important to consider the ideas and contributions of everyone, there is no way that one person or culture can account for everything because you simply can experience everything there is to experience.

Thinking of a conversation over the weekend (I won’t say with whom) about “attitude”.  In this case the person had just been “released” (fired) due to his “attitude”.  

While I don’t know the specifics, “attitude” can be an important factor in several aspects.

First of all, if someone has an “attitude”, if you are a Supervisor, you may want to look at your supervision techniques.  

Even I could develop an “attitude” based on some supervision techniques and behaviors, and I am a reasonably laid back person who doesn’t really develop an “attitude” very fast.  (Well it can be fast under certain circumstances, but lets say it takes a lot for me to develop an “attitude”.)

However, I have seen enough poor supervision (at all levels and in all organizations), I have seen the tremendous negative impact of poor supervisory techniques, such as “my way or the highway” etc., which may sound good but is pretty poor supervision anymore. 

Probably failure to consider the individual (within the scope of the over objective of getting he job done) needs of a person is the failure of the supervisor not the the employee.  

“Attitude” can also be an attempt to assert yourself and may be a sign of confidence and knowledge and may actually be the sign of a good employee and the failure of the supervisor to be able to supervise some with ability and confidence.  ‘

On the other hand, “attitude” can simply be the sign of a immature spoiled brat who can’t handle the job.

It still goes back to the Supervisor to tell the difference. 

For some reason, my iPod this morning has an a strange assortment of songs from “Uneasy Rider” by the Charlie Daniels Band to “Too Cold at Home” by Mark Chestnut to “The Four Seasons”.  Kind of like life.  

Not looking forward to the cold weather today but the warm weather is coming!

That’s it for now, Monday, March 28, 2016.

Sunday, March 27, 2016

2016 Spring March 27 Sunday

40 degrees (feels like 29) this morning, light rain.  Didn’t walk due to weather, bad weather coming in.  

How some companies handle “complaints” continues to surprise me.  In an era of what is supposed to be (and normally is) excellent customer service, some companies apparently haven’t learned.

Just a short experience with General Electric, a company you think would have excellent customer service.

We purchased a small LED “night light” last Summer.  While I didn’t really believe it would last  13 years, that was the proclamation on the packaging.  

After about three months, the device started wildly malfunctioning, to say the least.  It because unusable.  We started to just throw it away as another purchase kind of like some of the junk you get from Amazon, but  since we had purchased it at a reputable physical store, (but not kept the receipt), I thought GE should know about the quality.

Anyway, went on the web site and e-mailed GE the product number etc., and what the product was doing.  I wasn’t sure what to expect, probably a replacement or at least information on how to get a replacement or at least a polite “sorry but tough” letter to be more careful next time. 

In all fairness, this is not an expensive item, maybe $13, but expensive for a night light.  

Anyway, I get a snotty reply and a $5.00 coupon for “any GE light”.  The letter was worded like I didn’t  really have a valid complaint, and I actually felt insulted (if you can feel insulted by a company).

So I sent the coupon back, with a polite note that I was notifying them of a defective product since I thought they might want know about it etc.  and that I really didn’t have any use for the coupon.  

About a month later (Friday), I get a letter saying GE would like to look at the defective product.  They were nice enough to include a Fedex shipping label.  Of course, Fedex, the king of nuisance fees, charges $5.00+ for a “shipping box”, since they didn’t feel like our box was a shipping box.  I didn’t think much of their $5.00 “shipping box either. 

Anyway, so we are out more than the cost of the item, when considering the box, the travel to the Fedex store etc.,  and especially just the time wasted, but by now it is a matter of principle.  

It seems strange they didn’t send a box to ship it back in, etc., I really think they figured it would be too much of a nuisance and I would just do the sensible thing and drop it. 

This isn’t the only weird response we have had recently to, not necessarily complaints, but questions about the quality.  Even when I made a note on a “customer service” form about the crappy coffee at TGIFirday’s  (it is uniformly bad, not the fault of the brewing, but is some kind of absolutely bad quality coffee that is the same at all TGIFriday’s),  it is putrid. 
I rated the service etc. excellent which it was), but then I get a call from the manager acting like I had rated his restaurant as the worst experience ever! 

So much for the “customer surveys”, I am finding, like many rating systems, they are “filling in the blanks”, they don’t really want to know how you actually feel and only want to hear the good things. Also, it is a chance for them to get your e-mail, so they can bombard you with ads.

Had another recent experience with a furniture store I”ll go into some other time.

Short dream yesterday, just trying to make a note of dreams I remember:

3-26-16:  Dream

Dreamed I was having my car serviced.  For some reason I had to park the car in a a large room (kind like a waiting area), but no seating, etc., it was a work area.

I waited and tried to decide whether to wash my car (or let the “automatic wash” do it.

I was hooking my a washing wand to a hose when an attendant came out advised me the car was ready to be serviced.

That’s all I remember from this dream

That’s it for now, Sunday, March 27, 2016.

Saturday, March 26, 2016

2016 Spring March 26 Saturday

54 degrees this morning, walk 48:18 minutes. 

Not sure if I made a mistake this morning on timing my walk, or if I am walking a lot slower getting back into walking!  I walked the “full route” this morning that I walked in about 36 minutes several weeks ago!  I’ll see.  The wind is strong again this morning, but I don’t think it is that strong!

As I become more familiar with the neighborhood, I become even more impressed with the planning principles contained in our subdivision. 

Planning principles contained in the subdivision include lots of open space, no driveways backing into main streets, of course walking and bicycling trails, strategic community resources (community swimming pool, neighborhood meeting rooms and exercise facilities, good use of trees for privacy etc.  

It is also designed to minimize through traffic and, to some degree, to discourage through traffic.  

Listening to a book on the development of philosophy.  Sometimes I wonder how they had the time (and money) dwell on such ideas.  

One philosopher didn’t eat meat because he believed in reincarnation and he was scared he would end up eating a friend or relative!  I guess it does make sense if you believe that human beings may reincarnate into an animal!  

On the other hand, as I am learning from listening to the book, any time of thinking can be extended.  

For example, one argued that  a flying arrow is “never” in motion because it actually occupies a set place in space at any point in time, it is just different spaces.  I don’t think I buy that, although I can see where you could argue such a case.   

Of course, one (correctly) stated you can never get int the same river twice, since the water is always moving and the river is never physically the same water.  

Of course, you could say that about almost anything, since even dirt is gradually changing, you just can’t see the minute changes!

While I don’t pretend to understand everything I listen to in this book, it is interesting to watch the building blocks of our current thinking at its earliest, crudest form.  

The NCAA tournament continues lending credence to the belief that nothing can be predicted!  It is interesting how different teams and people rise to the occasion, so to speak.  Especially considering the ages of the people involved. 

Since we tape the games, I have to be careful even looking at my iPhone to avoid seeing the score!  It is especially difficult to do during the NCAA tournament due to the widespread interest.  

Another dream, again I have no idea why I would have such a dream.

3-25-16:  Dream

Dream was having a family reunion somewhere, or at least a get together  almost like a place we lived years  ago..

Dreamed I was working on something on the computer and people stated to gather.

Everyone in my family was there, at least was mentioned at some point.

I keep on working on the computer (apparently for something for everyone else. )

I started watching the computer through a “4 d” device (or maybe a “virtual reality” type of device.  It was a device like a transparent helmet.   

In the dream I was not ever social,   not anti-social either, I was trying  to demonstrate something for at least several people on the computer.

That’s it for now, Saturday, March 26, 2016.

Friday, March 25, 2016

2016 Spring March 25 Friday

41 degrees this morning Walk 34.28 minutes (shortened)

Listening to the book on philosophy, I again realize how little I know!  Pythagoras and the mathematic models, while I knew generally about, I didn’t know that they considered “numbers” to be the basis of everything, to some degree “everything was made of numbers”.

Somehow this stretches my mind, but I’m not sure where!  They also considered the number “10” to be the “perfect” number, at least one reason was at the 1, 2, 3, and 4 add up to 10.  

I can somewhat understand that numbers are the basis of a lot of things, especially in today’s world, but I definitely can’t see the relationship between numbers and say, an apple, or a tree. 

While it is easy to see the false basis of much of historic thinking (the world is flat etc.) it is also amazing they were able to do so much with what they had.  

No Cray supercomputers, or even  simple calculators or even many of the proven theories.  

Listening to the book, I really wonder how they had the time to do all of this.  I guess modern conveniences bring time constrictions also.  While computers, tv’s and cars etc. are wonderful, they also take up a lot of time.

I sometimes think of how my life would have been different with smart phones, computers, tv (yes we didn’t have a tv), etc. available when I was born.  I don’t know if I would have discovered the joy of reading, or dreaming, or some of the exploring I did and I would have missed that.

On the other hand, smart phones, computers etc. also open up a whole new world, a world children will need to learn, since all of these are now a part of daily life.  

One thing I like about the early morning is the lack of daly “noise” at that time (at least as I live the time from when I get up to when I step into the office).  

While I used to work an hour or so after I got up, I no longer do that.  I walk, exercise (with weights etc.), write in my journal, take a nap, read the paper(s), maybe another nap and then I go to work.  Generally, I don’t respond to e-mail, etc. during that time, I actually have a relatively rigid schedule that doesn’t allow time for responding to e-mail, browsing the internet or Facebook etc.  

Still have somewhat of a cold, although walking doesn’t seem to bother it.  Woke up this morning n a coughing spill, but at least they seem to  be just occasional and my walk doesn’t seem to make it worse.  

While I always look forward to Spring, what I really don’t like about Spring is how long it takes to really warm up.  While it gets warm in the day, it is frequently cool or even cold at night, which can ruin outdoor  plans (at least for me).

I think it is matter of expectations, I think of Spring being warm and when it isn’ of course I am disappointed. 

It seems to be taking longer for the colors of Spring to arrive, or maybe I am remembering Memphis, where the Spring colors were truly amazing.  

“Office day” today.  “Field Day” yesterday illustrated again the variety of life!

That’s it for now, Friday  March 25, 2016.

Thursday, March 24, 2016

2016 Spring March 24 (Thursday) Happy Birthday Barbara!

41 degrees this morning (felt like 32 degrees), Wind 24 mph and higher!  Walked (shortened) walk of 35:13 minutes.

Happy Birthday to Barbara, my youngest little sister!  Wishing her a Happy Birthday and a wonderful year!  

Woke up this morning at my “normal” walking time, determined to walk no matter what!  I did have a coughing spell during the night, but am feeling better.  

Felt good to walk again.  Listening to a book on the development of philosophy.  Interesting enough, although I do wish there was way I could see how some of the names are spelled.  

Thinking the other day, “happiness” is somewhat relative.  Probably the “happiest” I have seen people as just pure looking forward to something enjoyable are people coming into Braum’s (a regional chain of stores specializing in ice cream and they also recently (well, within the past seven years) started a “Fresh Market” side.

Somehow, Braums is simply the best.  Food  (even hamburgers and milk) simply taste better.  They don’t go any further than eight hours from their main facility (they grow all their own cows etc.) to insure that the food is fresh.  

Aliene and I used to always stop at the Braums at Exit 13 (Alma) in Arkansas, which is the last Braums east on the way to Memphis!  Aliene (at the time before she couldn’t eat them) would order a Banana Split and I would order a “thick” strawberry shake!

Recently, my granddaughter and I were out and stopped at Braums.   She ordered a strawberry shake and looked at me and kind of smiled, and I said the liking of Strawberry Shakes must be in our genes!  

Anyway, on an afternoon when people are coming into Braums for simply an ice cream treat and not a meal (and probably true for other similar places), they have this contagious happy anticipatory look that I don’t see that much elsewhere!  

This is true regardless of age etc., so I think it is somewhat of a universal trait!  I see it in children, I see in in retired couples out for an afternoon treat, it is just happiness at the break in the day and the chance for a treat!

Got a new tv last night, and I had to go on the internet to “chat” with the manufacturer (and watch a video) just to see how to get it out of the box!  It was a wonderful idea and much simpler.  

 A few instructions on the outside would have been nice!  

Technology is great, it would help if they didn’t assume they know what you want.  One major irritation is the way things are changed without bothering to inform you. 

Slowly moving into the house.  I need to finish organizing my office, it just is that I want to make it as efficient as possible. 

I know that what I do now I probably will not change later (the concept that “what is, is” tends to induce resistance to change), so I am trying to decide exactly where I want everything now because I probably won’t change it later!

2016 will soon be into April.  I really have a hard time grasping how time is going so fast.  While I”m not retired and work a full time job, my current job takes a lot less of my spare time than my previous career. 

Like many retired  people, I think “how in the world did I have time to do anything”when I was working my previous jobs as City Manager!  

That’s it for now, Thursday, March 24, 2016.

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

2016 Spring March 23 Wednesday

62 degrees this morning.  No walk.  Almost ready, but not quite, plus wind was exceeding 30 mph.  

I finally e-mailed my Doctor about the cold and he advised me a lot of “post nasal drip with a severe sore throat” was going around and he prescribed, or rather recommended, some over the counter medicine which seems to be working already.  

E-mail and texting may be he end of telephone calls!  I guess actually, telephone calls have already changed, supplemented a lot by e-mail, texting and all of the other social media. 

For several years now, or longer, cell phones have basically offered unlimited, toll-free calling and no one really cares, ditto unlimited texting.   What we care about now is how much data is in our plan!  

I can remember when my cell plan changed to allow “free roaming” of a certain number of minutes, we thought the ultimate was here.  

We didn’t realize that probably the phone company sensed that phone calls were on the way out, although this was long before the iPhone made it easy to access the internet and social media anywhere and anytime. 

I remember when I got my first Blackberry and realized the magic of getting e-mail anywhere.  

I wasn’t too nice to my Blackberry’s, I dropped my first one in a mud puddle (about a week after I got it) and the screen became a very pretty picture that didn’t make phone calls or e-mails!  

A few years later I put another Blackberry on the roof of my car as I was leaving, it feel off and was ran over by a car (or a number of cars).  About two weeks later, I get a phone call (on my Blackberry) that “I have your Blackberry”.  

A person who was spraying found it and finally called me.  He gave it back to me, but by then I was long gone from Blackberry’s with my iPhone 3, never to look back!  AT least that is the way I remember it, there may have been a cellphone or so in between that.  Time muddies memories of things like that.  

It is strange, we switched to a digital camera when our “regular” camera was stolen.  We were probably ready to switch anyway, but it is like we get pushed to change  technology sometimes!  I certainly never looked back from my digital camera!

Actually, the digital camera probably played as much of a role in the development of social media and “smart phones” as anything else.  Without digital cameras, you couldn’t post videos and pictures on Youtube, Facebook, Instagram etc.  (Hmmmm.)

Another dream, again a very powerful dream, this one I woke up feeling very disturbed by it, not sure why.  A dream is a dream.

3-22-16 Dream

Dreamed in a "Disney” park of some sort.

Again staying in a hotel.  Apparently I went out early and was expecting Aliene.

I was touring a factory, apparently where they made “4 wheelers” and small jeeps and buggys.  (kind of like fancy dune buggy)

For some reason I had picked up a small, but bulky, machine part type item and took it with me and just realized I had it after I left.

I walked back toward the factory, but by then it had turned into something else, almost  a resort area and I couldn’t find where I had been or anything that looked like someplace I could leave the part.

By then, the part had morphed into a type of portable device , that you could fold out to be a chair.  Since it was steel (or at least a heavy metal) it wasn’t very practical or wouldn’t be very comfortable.  

I got on a Disney type trolley and was going back to the hotel.  

I was trying to decide what to do with the large metal item I had.  It was like a collapsible chair.

I was looking at a person right  next to the trolley when I woke up.

That’s it for now, Wednesday, March 23, 2016.