81 degrees this morning.
I am enjoying my walk each morning. It is somewhat longer than I had in the past (about 3 1/2 miles vs. 2 + miles, and is more varied.
I think about what the walk route will be like in winter (water freezing on sidewalks doesn’t sound too good!) and then decide not to worry about it, it will be at least December before the problem arises and it usually is for short periods. As I keep telling myself, enjoy the warm weather and nice walking conditions now.
We continue to unpack and organize the house. Slowly things are starting to come into shape although it will probably be months before we really “finish” moving in.
Another side of moving is establishing new patterns of shopping, eating, and details as varied as where we will exercise to where we have dry cleaning done, haircuts etc. and where we eat and get gasoline. In addition, we are facing new Doctors, Dentists etc., all who will play a major role in our lives.
Of course, just because we have to accept change, doesn’t mean we like it or we feel any less anger at the loss and the need to change. On the other hand, I can learn from my mistakes and errors in judgement without jeopardizing the ability to trust people.
I am listening to the audiobook “Reset” during my walks. It is a book about a person who was laid off (actually several times) and how he went about re-establishing his life, as well as other persons who lost their jobs and actions they took. It is an interesting book. I don’t necessarily agree with all of what he says, but it is interesting.
One problem here, relatively small, is recycling. Aliene and I have always emphasized recycling, we like to feel that we play a very small part in saving landfill space by recycling. The problem here is we only have the small uncovered bins. The winds here are an obvious problem. I called about lids and basically was advised lids were available and if we provided our own, they may be picked up. I threw away about a half cart of recycling material when the recycling pickup didn’t come by the on the scheduled day and I didn’t want the material flying all over the neighborhood.
I sent my first letter to the City Manager as a resident asking him to develop some methods of increasing recycling in our area or at least providing a better cart. The current method almost is a disincentive to recycle.
Today and tomorrow will be a time of settling in, than we will take a break fro the Family Reunion. It is an interesting Family Reunion, that has met on an annual basis since 1947. I always really enjoy attending, after a few years (in my 20’s and early 30’s) of not attending and then I realized the value of attending and catching up, since time passes all so fast and I probably haven’t missed one for 20 years or more. I have passed from the “youngest generation” to now almost (but not quite!) the “oldest generation”.
“Bulk Waste” pickup day yesterday wasn’t picked up, so I am hoping it won’t rain! I really don’t want to live with a bunch of cardboard boxes for another month!
One of my big disappointments is the change of my morning routine, walking, biking to the gym and reading the papers while on the stationary bicycle and coming back, napping and then reading, writing and drinking coffee while watching country music videos. It was a key part of my life. Here I can’t get any of the newspapers I liked and the cable system doesn’t carry the channel I watched. Hopefully I will start riding the bicycle soon and will find a new fitness center where I can stationary bicycle. (There is one about the same distance from our house as in Lakeland. We stopped by yesterday and it seems really nice, although different of course.) Most of all, if I sit at the back patio, I am looking at the backs of four houses rather than the beautiful forest. I realize I will need to establish new routines I will eventually come to value. Changes in the tapestry of my life.
That’s it for now, Tuesday, July 8, 2014.
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