Thursday, July 31, 2014

Summer 2014 July 31 Thursday (Shoes)

68 degrees this morning.  Relatively heavy rains all  day yesterday.  Still  wet this morning, but able to get my walk in which is good.

I learned this morning that in the early 1900’s, shoes/footwear was so expensive it was at least 25% of the cost of clothing for people during that era.  I don’t know how the ratio was computed, but I assume it is correct.  The reason was attributed to high tariffs for leather etc. and other materials used in shoes.  The reason for the high tariffs was the political power (and money) of the special interests who stood to make money off of shoes etc.  Some things never change!  

I think it would be hard to compute now what the ratio of the cost of shoes to the cost of clothing, unless you limited the clothing to work clothing etc.  Today there is dress clothing, work clothing (which may or may not be the same as dress clothing), casual clothes, exercise clothes etc. and I’m sure I haven’t included everything.  

I read the other day that there are some brands of sneakers that sell for over $800 per pair and sell out as fast as they are issued.  I am lucky that my favorite exercise shoes are relatively inexpensive, I actually them better than the more expensive brands.   

I’m not ready to declare complete victory yet, but we haven’t seen the birds who nested in our front door for over a week now, and the owl continues to stand vigilantly at the door.  Hopefully they have happily found another nest and have forgotten about this one, or at least given up on it.

Hopefully I can resume riding my bike in the next day or two.  I have given up on finding the compressor and will buy one, which is not a big expense.  For the most  part I have located enough of my bicycling  equipment that I can get started again.  i missed riding my bike.  Basically the neighborhood will be good to ride in, but it will be difficult to take want long rides outside the neighborhood, since they are all high traffic streets without any bike lanes etc. and the sidewalks aren’t really for  riding the bike.  I am lucky that was able to start walking and lifting weights relatively quickly.  And, of corse, the ability to go swimming has been good.  

I like swimming outside, but an indoor pool is just more practical  No leaves, critters (hopefully) and the temperature is much easier to maintain.  At least that is my option.

School is staring in some ares Monday, which indicates the start of the end of Summer., although realistically Summer weather continues for 3 or 4 months.  I”m not looking forward to winter, it is more harsh here and I just don’t like winter weather.

However, there is at least one more month of summer weather (meaning the pool is open and for the most part, t-shirts and scandals are comfortable!  

My teeth implants have been relatively good.  It doesn’t hurt and has very little discomfort.  I will be glad to get the procedure set up and completed. 

I got “smart meter” rates from the electric company.  Although we don’t have a “smart meter” yet (I’m not sure if we need one), I can track daily electric use which is kind o fun, as well as being informational.  

That’s it for now, Thursday, July 31, 2014.

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