79 degrees this morning, apparently back to Summer weather! Walk this morning, regular route, (around 59 min, forgot stop watch), 40 sit ups 15 lb weights.
Owl is working so far to keep the birds from building their nest over our front door. There was about 6 birds (we think, it was hard to count) who dive bombed the plastic owl for a while yesterday morning, but since then they have stayed away. We think they are trying to scare it off, which is a difficult task, scaring off a plastic owl!
Newspaper delivery here is very erratic, which is more upsetting than if it was always late. (Some days it arrives at 4:15 a..m, other days after 6:30 a.m.). I’m still undecided if I am going to keep delivery or not if the erratic time continues.
Routine is an important part of our lives, even something something so minor as the paper being delivered on a consistent basis (perhaps it is even more important since it is so minor, and especially since its comes at a time where routine is important for me, in the early morning hours) Also, reading the daily newspaper is probably my longest running routine.
Aliene mentioned the other day about how she missed the routine of daily life we had in Lakeland. Even while we were packing in Lakeland, we still had the routines we had developed over the years with friends, activities and just habits, and those routines were important to our lives, including phone calls, meeting for lunch or supper, etc. That is what we miss most about moving.
Back to the book I am listening to, “Reset”, he also notes the value of routine in our lives, and how the change in routine is frequently the worst part of losing your job.
Had lunch yesterday with a friend who is a City Manager in this area. I enjoyed talking with him and it was good to reconnect with him and briefly experience the City Hall atmosphere!
Moving continue to progress, a major advancement yesterday when Aliene’s plants make it back inside the house. After surviving the move (which was unexpected), they have survived living outside since July 3. Today will also be major step when a non-profit will come by to pick up a large number of donations, which will give us more room and allow us to complete some of the major move stages. We are still going through boxes and donating/throwing/giving away, but it is now more manageable.
i think getting rid of many of the items has really helped, although we are getting to decisions about whether to keep some oems which is more difficult to make. I have gotten ride of a lot of clothes and about five boxes of book (probably about 150 books), although now I am going to go through them again.
Something I have delayed doing for almost 17 years (which is unbelievable that so much time has passed) is going through my parents papers, in this case, they apparently saved every letter and card I ever sent them. I am undecided if I should not look at them, look at them and throw them away or look at them and keep them for future reference. They don’t contain any secrets, they are like any letter a child sends his parents. I’ve about decided to look at them and then decide how to proceed. They don’t take up a lot of room and if I toss them, a small part of my history disappears.
Took Kali and Katherine swimming in the community pool yesterday. It was fun and I did my best not to get sunburned or let them get sunburned, went for ice cream afterwards.
Saw a bunny rabbit this morning, one of those with the big cotton tail. Funny, I don’t recall seeing rabbits in Lakeland.
That’s it for now, Tuesday, July 22, 2014.
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