Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Summer 2014 July 23 Wednesday (Home)

79 degrees this morning.  Walk was 58.15

Haven’t seen the birds since Monday morning when they dive bombed the Owl to try to scare it off.  The plastic Owl still maintains a steely vigilance over the former nest, and perhaps how considers it it’s home. 

I can relate to the feelings of the poor birds being kicked out of their home and community by some thoughtless idiot (me).  In a way, the spoiled brat politician and his toadies did the same to us, (and other personnel) perhaps in a different manner.  Of course, technically speaking, we had  a choice, but, not really, when you see the community you have worked for twelve years being destroyed by incompetence, greed and flat stupidity. 

I hope the birds are  able to build a next elsewhere and enjoy their new community.  

Perhaps because of my career, I notice the songs and articles and poems written about “my hometown” or similar terms.  A hometown means a lot, and I think, in spite of the fact we only spent 12 years there, we consider Lakeland as a “hometown” because of the people we met and the investment of the residents in building a better community.  

I have recently realized the advantages of living right across the street from a swimming pool (although it will close Labor Day) and having the time to take a quick swim during day, especially during the summer.  I love swimming, but it has always been difficult to find a pool where I felt comfortable swimming and the time to do so.

There is something about swimming (and bicycling and even lifting weights) that rejuvenates you and just kind of gives you a feeling of flow.  Hard to explain, but I know it when it happens! It just changes your outlook on the entire day. I love my morning walk (and walking in general), and it is almost essential to my day.  Somehow bicycling, swimming, weightlifting etc. is just a different experience.

Finished my second “hearing” of the book “Reset” this morning.  It was a good book, but now time to get back to Doris Kearns Goodwin and the “Bully Pulpit” and Roosevelt and Taft.  I will probably  re-listen (and/or read) “Reset” again, about a man struggling through being laid off and his search for another job.  Contains a lot of good information, whether you are employed or not and it continues to document the age discrimination which is so prevalent among employers, even in the early forties and especially in the 50’ a and 6i0’s.  Somehow, everyone seems to think after you are 62, your only value is as a Walmart greeter (absolutely nothing against Wall Mart greeters, it has just become a cultural expression) or maybe to work part-time in fast food. 

I am reaching the time when I will need to get started my own business if I don’t find a job.   (If I find a part-time job, I will also start my own business).  The moving is almost substantially completed (with minor adjustments to continue for months, I am sureI) and I need to get going.  I have mentally slated August 3 to start on a “full-time” basis, which is after several interviews.  There is a local community college that has a program that may help me get started.  There is a lot involved and I especially want to make sure whatever I do, I do a good job.  

Moving continues.  A non-profit picked up a lot of items yesterday, much of what works, but we just won’t have the room for it.  I may have mentioned this yesterday, but Aliene’s plants mostly survived the move and are now in the house.  It is nice to have plants in the house, I didn’t realize how important they were.  We also continue to make adjustments in furniture etc., and I don’ even want to think about the “sortin and thrown” we will need to do yet with many of he boxes and decisions on where to hang pictures.

I have finally “weeded” many of my books, knowing they are  going to a good home, or to be sold at a library book sale to someone who will treasure them and read them.  Or if they throw them away, at least I didn’t have to do it!

Postings may be somewhat erratic over the weekend, as we have some activities that may affect my routine Friday through Tuesday.

That’s it for now, Wednesday, July 23, 2014.

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