75 degrees this morning.
I was pleased this morning to return from my walk and find the Wall Street Journal being delivered to my door, rather than mailed! Also, I walked a little different route to the nearest 7-11 and got a copy of the local paper, although the clerk advised me the paper normally was available that early, that the person who delivered the local paper was early. Hopefully, they will always be there at that time because it works in perfectly with my walk.
45 years ago, July 15, 1969, I officially entered the U.S. Air Force. I started from Kansas City, went to San Antonio, than Denver, then Kansas City (actually Whiteman AFB, near “Knob Noster, Missouri if I remember correctly), then Goose AFB Labador, than Madrid, Spain, than Wichita Falls, Texas and finally Hampton Virginia, where I served until July 13, 1973. I got out on Friday the 13th, since my four years was up on Sunday, July 15. Had a lot of experiences, probably overall positive, if nothing else, it taught me to deal with a wide variety of people and situations.
The family reunion was good and enjoyable and a good time. It is good to reconnect with people, even if it is just for a short time.
Still moving in, which includes a lot of deciding what to donate/give away and trash. At least any future moves will be simpler! We are planning on starting on the garage today, where we have a lot of items ready to be either stored, donated or thrown away. Slowly but surely we are getting it done.
i think there are several reasons we hate to donate, give away or trash items. Of course the main reason is “I may need that again”. If it costs a relatively trivial amount, I can psychologically get around that, since we can always buy another one if we need it. It is still difficult.
A second reason is “it may be worth something” (now or in the future). I found the answer to that is fairly simple in todays world, simply check on the internet to at least get some indication.
A third reason is the item (regardless of value or condition) reminds you of an event or a person. I found the suggestion to take a picture of the item helps relieve this psychological barrier. With “cloud” storage and digital pictures it is a good, simple solution. (Many of my hats and t-shirts fall into this category.)
Still in the process of changing addresses, phone numbers etc. It seems like a never-ending process, but all we can do is start on it. Actually, I have the major ones changed, it just seems like there is a continuous array of new ones coming up!
(Later); Went to the patio to read the morning newspapers, surprised it was too cool to sit there. That won’t be true later in the day. I may be surprised to find it is too cool to sit out there in the mornings. It isn’t a “cold cold”, just the usually morning coolness, so I’ll ave to find out.
Overall, the local paper appears to be ok, better than I remembered, so that is good. Hopefully the WSJ will continue to be delivered relatively early (so it is available after my walk).
We are still trying to decide on a gym or fitness center. It ranges anywhere from a nearby 24 hour fitness center to the YMCA system.
A lot of small decisions that will be a major factor as we settle in.
That’s it for now, Tuesday, July 15, 2014.
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