Saturday, July 19, 2014

Summer 2014 July 19 Saturday (Thoughts while walking)

68 degrees this morning, as it starts to warm up to Summer.  

Thoughts during my morning walk.

During my walk this morning, I experienced again the inability of some people to finish a job.  In this case, the sidewalks.  The areas around the sidewalks are mown and then the grass (in this case tall grass from not mowing soon enough) litters the sidewalk.  

I always question if there is a snake hiding in the grass clippings!  I may take a rake and go out myself and clear the grass clippings from my walk route!  

Another peeve is landowners who aren’t responsible enough to mow along the sidewalk,  The grass enriches onto the sidewalk and frequently grass is taking over the sidewalk.  Since this area is so unworkable (with only one sidewalk on a side in many casesI), it can really ahe an effect on people using the sidewalks, which is a shame. However, I don’t plan on mowing along the sidewalks!  

Speaking of sidewalks, I’ll never understand why some persons feel (or approve) “serpentine” (or zig zagging or winding) sidewalks.  In my opinion a sidewalk should be straight, not meander around like a snake!  (Lakeland was bad about this.).  It is almost impossible for a bicycle rider or a disable person to use the sidewalk and when the sidewalk is the only means of getting along a high traffic street, it is really a disservice to residents and discourages walking.

There is is a lot of discussion about “walkable” communities and I am always pleased to note the return of trails off the street (for both walking and biking) and the emphasis of bicycle, walking and alliterative ways of  transportation.  (It made me sad to see Lakeland go back into the stone ages and reject a $1,000,,000 grant which would have basically made it possible to walk and bike safely in the part of Lakeland north of I-40.  Also, Lakeland is going back into the stone ages on recycling by eliminating the recycling of yard waste, which uses up a lot of the landfill).

Speaking of recycling, the people at the recycling place probably think I am a complainer (I probably have called them about 10 times), but recycling here has a long ways to go.  For example:

-No lids available for the recycling containers

-No yard waste recycling

-Cardboard is not accepted for recycling and there is no place to take cardboard, other than to the “dump” etc.  

As I mentioned before, we have a 96 galling cart full of recycling due to the rules and it is difficult to continue recycling when you feel it is not important to the city to do it.  

I plan on reviewing the plans for recycling and to get involved as necessary to at least make my thoughts known about the lack of recycling and the artificial barriers that prevent recycling.  

During my walk, there is a donut shop that starts cooking about the time of my walk (cooking may be the wrong term for donuts).  Even though I don't especially even like donuts, the scent that walls from the shop is enticing to say the least and sometimes I get back to the house hungry.

I also wonder why the Sonic I walk past leaves it music on all the time. It seems a waste of electricity.  

When I return from the walk, I note the Blue Jays” are still sitting in their partially rebuilt nest.  (Sigh)

That’s it for now, Saturday, July 19, 2014

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