33 degrees this morning (feels like 24), light snow/rain, no walk
Friday had a “stomach virus” that was absolutely no fun. I had forgotten what it was like, and hopefully it is over, although I plan on taking it easy today. Apparently it is “going around”.
Finally went to a minor emergency facility just to be sure. Got some medicine for nausea and instructions on how to handle it. Better yet, it wasn’t the flu or something more serious. She also advised me I probably have another week to go on my cough, which is just occasional now,, but still disrupting.
Advised to drink lots of liquids (Gatorade and water), eat soup etc. Water tastes so good after the episodes I had, and thank goodness I could keep them down.
As I remember people saying when I was a child, “if you have your health, you have everything”. Fortunately, my illnesses have been short term.
It feels so good not to feel nauseated!
Forecast was fro a “winter storm” today, although I don’t see any snow outside,the weather forecast says it is snowing. Maybe someplace else or maybe it is coming here.
The house sell/purchasing is proceeding. As usual, there is a whole lot of stuff they need ‘yesterday”. However, I felt so bad, I really couldn’t do any of it, so it will need to wait. I don’t like having to make important decisions while I am sick, to say the least!
One thing I resent is being pushed into a decision when it affects our financial life so far into the future. To start with, being expected to make a decision on a house or a car etc. on a one or two visit time. It is just too easy to miss items, as I have noted to my regret, actually almost in cars more than houses.
The only way to really proceed is to have a list of ‘Have to’s, or Have to not’s’, things you absolutely have to have or things you absolutely don’t want.
Even then, you can always make a decision that you don’t need the specific “have to” or you can deal with the “have to not”.
Of course, actually doing it is a different matter!
Another, rather strange dream yesterday morning. I didn’t remember most of it but jotted down some notes on it:
Dream Jan. 8 2016
Dream I was driving someplace and stopped and went into to a warehouse facility. For some reason I sat in a chair, an easy chair, and kept trying to put my warm ups and socks on. I couldn’t seem to handle getting them on.
Workers would come out and talk and kind of look at me, but ignore me, apparently assuming I worked there.
At the last, a solider with one stripe came in and looked at me and then ignored me.
I keep trying to get my warm up and socks on, but couldn’t do it. I thought about walking out to the car and putting my clothes on in the car.
I woke up, a really strange and real feeling dream.
That’s it for now, Saturday, January 9, 2016. Hopefully I will start feeling better soon!
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