Thursday, January 21, 2016

2016 Winter January 21 Thursday

34 degrees this morning, Walk 28:59 minutes 

Winter continues to grind out one day at a time, as we work towards Spring. Spring is two months away today!  At least Winter is 1/3 gone!  

Of course even after Spring, there is that long cool period and there are periods where it is uncomfortably cool until at least mid-May, although there are usually periods of good weather there.

They are taking registrations for the week long  bicycle ride across the state in June.  I had planned to be a lot further along in my bicycle training by now.  Of course, with the cough, I still haven’t started riding again.  I’ll start again soon and see what happens.  

I’m not all that enamored as to the route of the ride this year.  The ride is designed to go through small towns and staying overnight in small towns, which I think is a good idea.  

Walking has been going well.  I probably will start to increase my distance again, although I am considering shortening the walk so I can ride the bicycle in the early morning again.  

The area we are moving to (assuming everything goes well, we should know any major roadblocks in the next week) has a lot better bicycle riding area.  There are actually “off road” trails as well as a lot more low-speed streets and, as I mentioned, my favorite YMCA is  only 1.5 miles away, accessible by at least two alternative bike paths!  My kind of City!

Browsed a book about the future “living on Mars” the other day.  Unfortunately I misplaced it for several weeks and found it just in time to get it back to the Library without a fine, so I didn’t read it as such.  I’ve kept my eyes open to recheck it, but haven’t seen it yet. 

I doubt if i will ever see it, but I expect there is a good chance we will be able to live on Mars soon than we think!  

I have always wondered if there are any “limits” as to what we can achieve?  Or perhaps the question should be not limits, but what are we going to concentrate on achieving?  

AsI discussed yesterday, there is no moral or ethical reason, companies shouldn’t spend billions to create a better shoe or soap or computer program, smart phone app, or whatever. 

However, the “alternative costs” are there, since our resources are limited.  

Many of the science fiction etc. books envisioned many of the wonders we take for granted now, computers, GPS, smart phones, etc., even the “wrist phone” Dick Tracey used is now achievable!

Of course, we still haven’t  cured the common cold, found a reliable cure for many diseases etc.  

Worse yet, we have not discovered how to reduce crime and human suffering world wide or how to control or eliminate Terrorism.  

Some of the scenes I see of the brutality and human suffering world wide is just astounding and very disturbing that supposedly human beings could be capable of such things or worse yet that they do such things without any consequences, or at least any negative consequences.  

I have to feel they are simply “sub animals” or perhaps “sub insects” and so low on the cycle of life hey should be exterminated without any consideration for the fact they are supposed to be human beings.  Perhaps fortunately, I don’t have a say in the matter.  

Listening to my original iPod, tune 524 of 6524, Sara Evans “I keep looking”, and the lyrics actually are somewhat in line with my thoughts, “when I get what I want, I get unsatisfied”.  Todays wonderful inventions and advances become commonplace so fast. 

That’s it for now, Thursday, January 21, 2016.  

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