Saturday, January 02, 2016

2016 Winter January 2 Saturday

31 degrees this morning, no walk, still cough in outside air etc.

When I first got this cough/head cold, I was depressed at the thought I would have it for 7 days.  It has now been 15 days and I still have some remnants of it.  Actually, my major problem is the cold air makes me cough, not just cough, but a coughing fit.  

As I briefly noted, another earthquake yesterday morning.  This time, there was no mistaking it, it was an earthquake.  It seemed to come from the east and roll to the west, shaking everything as it  went.  

They revised it from a 4.4 to a 4.2, but the numbers don’t mean anything, the effect does.

While we didn’t appear to have any damage, it was more disturbing than the first one and news reports appeared to indicate more damage (cracks in windows, chimney pulled away from house, dishes knocked off etc.  

For all intents and purposes, the holiday season is basically over again and a new year starts with renewed emphasis.

It is now “after the holidays” or “after the new year” that everyone used to delay things for the past two months, so will see what happens.  

I was dreading the start of the new year at the YMCA with all of the persons with new “Resolutions” to swim etc., but I doubt if I will be swimming again soon, at least until later into next week, if even then, depending on how my cough goes.  

I basically will have to wait until it is completely gone if I am around other people (swimming or machinesI), although I can start walking as soon as I feel up to it and don’t have a coughing fit in cold air.

I think if I was going to make a New Year Resolution, it would continue to be to experience each day, even it is a bad day or a negative experience, and enjoy the experience.  

I think especially after I have been sick, I get a renewed feeling of making sure I am fully  experiencing each day and experience, whether it is positive or negative.  It isn’t something I necessarily think about all the time, it is just something I need to do.  

I don’t want to even think about doing taxes this year.  Last year, with the multi-state tax return (even though Tennessee has no income tax, this state’s tax return was almost like it was designed to confuse you. 

I was very disappointed in “Turbo Tax” last year, it wasn’t too good at multi-state returns (except charging a large fee  for the State Return and continually prompting you to pay for “extras”.  I felt like it was a cell phone company or a cable tv company!) ) and I was wishing I had used a tax preparer, although I don’t know that that would be  good idea either.  

My taxes will be more “normal” this year, which will help.  

Again, at tax time, I urge persons who are contributing to retirement accounts to fully fund your Roth IRA first (or better yet a Roth 401k/etc.)  The IRA and 401k especially are basically designed as fee getters for the mutual funds, financial firms etc., although it is better than nothing.  However, the tax bite is a lot larger on “regular” IRA’s and 401k’s  than they would lead you to believe, but 70% of something is better than 70% of nothing!   However, I think the value of the regular IRA and the 401k are very misleading for people who are saving for retirement, but at least  it is something.  

Persons with only a 401k (or similar) retirement need to be especially watchful for the fee gougers  and the “financial experts” who are waiting to gouge you with fees, many hidden. 

Anyway, I look forward with anticipation to getting over this head cold/cough, and living “one day at a time” through the Winter as spring approaches again!

That’s it for now, Saturday, January 2, 2016. 

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