Sunday, January 31, 2016

2016 Winter January 31 Sunday

59 degrees this morning, Walk 29:52 minutes.

Already the last day of the first month of 2016, which means 2016 is already 1/12 over!  Time seems to move, no matter what I do it, so I guess I need to continue to make the most of each minute and not really worry about time passing.  

The start of the Presidential Election will be interesting to say the least (and could be rather scary, depending on the results)!

I am always amazed at how much time and money even the most hopeless of the candidates spend on the Presidential campaigns.   I guess hope springs eternal, or they just feel they have to try it

Of course the same thing happens at all levels of government.  Actually I am always surprised at how little attention voters  pay to local elections since your vote counts so much more in local elections.  

The way the Presidential election is, basically. I have no vote, with the “winner take all” concept.  
I really feel in a true system, the votes would count on a pro rata basis rather than “winner take all”.  It is really unfair,  and leads to the “the one with the most money wins” and political payoffs to the “swing voters” and rise of extremists. 

Of course, with gerrymandering so blatant, I basically don’t have a vote in any election,no matter what they say about  “every vote counts”.

Of course, I always vote anyway, even it is a lost cause, it is one vote for or against a candidate or policy/project, even if the elections are basically rigged.

The biography of “Wilson” is interesting as I see how “leaders” allowing their vindictiveness, ignorance, arrogance and pettiness to control them  have led to many of the problems we have today or at least set the stage for the problems.  

Barring something unexpected, we definitely will be moving this month.  While we will actually have more room in the house we are moving to, we are still trying to get rid of stuff.

I have found the best method for me to get rid of stuff is to select what I want to keep, rather than trying to decide what to throw away.

There must be something psychological about it, maybe it is the positive nature of “keeping the best” rather than “sorting the worst”.  

Of course I still have a problem with t shirts and hats.  I just don’t throw away or donate my Hot Wheels! I may give them away to special people, but I will never donate them or give them away.  

Actually, in the house we are moving to, I will probably have room to display my Hot Wheels (includes Matchbox and others) but I plan on thinking about it for awhile to decide where they best can go. 

I really don’t know why I like  Hot Wheels and similar small cars.  There is something beautiful at a subliminal level about them. 

Actually there is a beauty about model cars in general, although the larger cars are just too difficult to have available space so I don’t have many of them even though I like them.

Actually,I would probably have room in the house we are moving to for a small train setup which I could use to help display my cars also!  Anyway, I can always dream!

Kind of like some of the Apple products.    I got an Apple mouse once, and the packaging etc. actually made it a work of art.  Ditto with the packaging on the iPhone, although beauty of the packaging there is the way everything fits together. 

A work of art doesn’t have to be permanent.  I didn’t realize that until someone once mentioned that they liked to cook because it like a work of art.

I thought about it and definitely agreed and I have paid much more attention to the beauty of meal as well as the taste!

Of course a beautiful meal is not always tasty and a tasty meal is not always beautiful.  

That’s it for now, Sunday, January 31, 2016.

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