29 degrees (feels like 19 degrees) this morning, no walk, still slight cough.
Really planned to walk, at least a little this morning, but still not quite there. I am not going to take any chances of a relapse! Maybe the Vitamin D3 will give the cough a final blow.
Cold air seems to be hanging on.
Regular Field Day yesterday , and only a very few isolated problems with my cough, which is encouraging. My voice still sounds a little rough, although I never had a sore throat as such.
Last night, at Toastmasters, there was some very interesting discussions on a variety of topics (the group I belong too has some very philosophical members!).
One of my questions was “what would I say now to a 12 year old Robert” (me when I was 12 years old!.) A very interesting and thought provoking question. While it is entirely an exercise and will never happen, it still raised some thoughts.
Of course, I would advise him to both study and play harder. Not worry so much about what other people thought, but on the other hand present your honest self regardless of what people thought. (Well, within reason anyway!)
Other suggestions again would be to make more mistakes by trying something different, but be more adapt at learning from mistakes!
I would emphasize living and learning from each day, and, while preparing for the future, don’t be worried about the future.
Perhaps, I would also tell him that 99% of the stuff I worry about during my teen (and adult) years isn’t really worth worrying about!
My main advice about money would be to start saving money no matter what, even if it is just a small amount as soon as I got my first job and don’t touch it no matter what. (I think IRA’s had just started when I was in my first job, maybe it was later.) And, never, never, touch your retirement plan once you are vested!
I could think of a lot more suggestions, but another question concerned “Wisdom”.
Of course, when I think of wisdom, I think of the story about the young person who goes up the mountain to see the wise person and asked “how do you get Wisdom”. The answer, “Experience”. After thing about it, the young person climbs the mountains again and asked “How do you get experience”. The answer: “Mistakes”! Of course, I would add “learning from mistakes” to that!
The first of the month, probably will have a lot of new work items today, something I always look forward too. At least if not today, sometime this week.
As I have mentioned before, it is like getting a lot of mail, or maybe Christmas once a month! I look forward to the new accounts, meeting the people, resolving the problems or questions etc. I don’t mind working the existing accounts to resolve them (I try to learn from my previous mistakes!) but new ones are fun also.
I don’t know that I will be working long enough to obtain true “wisdom” in this job. There are a very few people who may have “Wisdom” in this job, but most are always working towards it, which is the important thing. There are a lot of good people.
The way I learn (by actually doing something rather than just reading about it) works well in this job, especially since a lot of it is knowing where to look and not necessarily knowing it verbatim. On the other hand, it is important to be correct, so I always check to make sure my memory is right! Even then, every situation is so different, every situation can be a learning experience.
Hopefully, will be able to start walking again tomorrow morning. Not quite there yet this morning.
That’s it for now, Tuesday, January 5, 2016.
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