36 (feels like 21) degrees this morning. Walk 25:36 miles
No coughing or other problems during the walk this morning. Keeping to a shortened walk for several more days, if nothing else until I get my routine back again.
Surprised (I think) to see the “SpaceX” rocket blow up. I guess I’m not surprised, that technology is so complicated, any little thing going wrong can destroy the rocket.
I guess that is what they call a “learning experience”, although it probably was a very expensive experience.
For some reason, I never really thought there would be a least three private “space” companies, just like self-driving cars, there seems to be that “moment” when there is something in the air.
While I haven’t studied it extensively, or much at all for that matter, I think history shows many inventions are made by separate people/companies working completely independently.
Of course, it could be that innovation and invention are built on previous successes (obviously they are rather, not could be), and there is just a logical succession of invention and innovation.
Of course, when you read about how the hated “control/alt/delete” command came to torment us all, I’m not sure if it is always good!
You think about it, there couldn’t be self driving cars without GPS or computers, there couldn’t be a smart phone without the internet.
Of course to read the early history of computers, it appears there wasn’t necessarily “something in the air” going on, but rather the gross “borrowing” of ideas!
As I have mentioned before, many times you read about the “success” of some of the new technology companies and it is basically a matter of good luck, “borrowing” other ideas, and simply ignoring the law and the law can’t keep up with technology fast enough.
By the time the law catches up with technology, the technology company has enough money to “lobby” politicians to change the law!
With the unlimited campaign funding, who knows where it will lead, but I am sure it will end up with the “fatcats” getting much fatter and the “alley cats” starving more and there being a lot more “alley cats” as well as “alley cats” going homeless etc.
Hoping someone with some courage will get in and limit campaign contributions. Equating corporations with a person has absolutely no foundation and is against humanity, in my opinion.
Corporations have certainly shown they do not have a heart of soul or ethics (only people do or don’t) so they can hardly be considered to have the same rights as a person
Nothing agains private enterprise. I am all for it, but it has simply gotten out of hand to the point that “crony capitalism” allows one or two corporations so much advantage and so many government benefits, no none else can compete.
Anyway, it will be interesting to see what happens. I don’t know that I have any impact on it, but I can try.
We continue preparing to move and hope everything goes through ok, we are approaching some critical points (appraisal, loan approvals etc.) that will decide what happens.
It is always such a process, and now the government requires so many forms and so much information, it has become counterproductive and probably hurts more than helps.
So, what else is new!
That’s it for now, Tuesday, January 19, 2016.
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