Wednesday, January 27, 2016

2016 Winter January 27 Wednesday

26 degrees this morning, no walk

Still have occasional fits of coughing, but overall feeling ok.  I am trying to get rid of the coughing for good.  

Aliene apparently got what I had (although it seems like almost everyone has some version of it now).  

I especially miss the exercise, although at least I have been able to walk most mornings since I started walking again.  I am looking forward to swimming and biking.  At least I don’t have to worry about the persons with “New Year Resolutions” overfilling the swimming pool right after New Year Day, most of them are probably gone by now!

I saw a Microsoft “Surface” (tablet)  in operation yesterday.  I think iPads (or tablets) and smartphones are truly advancing to where the laptop computer may go the way of the desktop computer, at least as  we know it now.  I think the new “large” Apple iPad is somewhat comparable to the Microsoft surface.

I still use my desktop for some projects, but don’t know if I will replace it or not when the time comes.  It is getting long in the tooth, but still has several years left before it becomes unusable.  Of course, it has been “obsolete” for several years now, which doesn’t mean it is’t still very useful.

My laptop Mac Air is approaching the end of the warranty, but since Apple is stopping the “1 to 1” training program, I really don’t have any real incentive to replace it.  

I have to admit I was impressed by what I saw of the large Apple iPad (and Surface) and was more impressed than I expected by the Apple Watch, although I will wait until at least the next upgrade and probably until the Apple Watch can operate without the iPhone, but you never know.

I have a credit card that provides 2% “cash back”, and I am saving it for either another iPad (probably the big one, which will take a while) or the Apple Watch, which would also take a while!

It would be difficult to replace my MacBook Air, but I like my Work Tablet, which is a Dell, probably somewhat like the Microsoft Surface.  I find myself reaching up the MacBook Air screen use “touch screen” and then being disappointed when I realize it doesn’t have a touchscreen!

Probably the only technology that will make me want to buy a replacement MacBook Air (other than time making it obsolete) is if they provide a MacBook Air with a touchscreen.  I don’t know why they wouldn’t for that matter, there are many brands that do provide it.  

I received a good idea from my cousin the other day about listening to audiobooks, or at least podcasts, which is to speed it up to about 1.5 so I can listen faster.  I think it will work, especially on podcasts, and it will probably actually help me listen to it.  

Thus far, the “repurposed” iPhones 3, 3g and 5 are working fine, which provides me with many audio readers, especially considering I have the iPad one, which is still an excellent device, except it is becoming to the point I can’t run much on it.  It is still great for music, pictures, as an audiobook and some programs that still run on it.  

I am still amazed that my three  “shuffles” are still working with full battery power (at least as far as I can tell, anyway they work!).

I know a lot of people swear by Samsung devices, but I only swear at them.  For some reason, since my first Samsung monitor years ago, I have never had a good Samsung device.  The monitor went out a few days after the warranty, and other Samsung devices (phones, tablets etc.) haven’t been lasted  the warranty period and were afflicted with strange behavior and outages etc..  Anyway, so I don’t buy that brand at all!

That’s it for now, Wednesday, January 27, 2016.

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