79 degrees this morning. No walk (rain last night, didn’t want to walk in muddy spots!)
My watch which has a battery that has lasted for at least ten years that I can remember is now in a watery grave at the YMCA, I assume still moving along.
The watch was so old and used so much the velcro strap didn’t hold good, and fell off in at least 7” of water, a little too deep for me to dive for what is essentially an experiment to see how long the battery will last. I did use if for walking and swimming, as the stop watch still ran fine.
I didn’t really have the gumption to ask someone to dive for a worthless watch, plus it gave me a chance to buy another sports watch. (I buy all of my sports watches at Walmart-they sell excellent watches at very inexpensive prices if all you need is a sports watch that my get lost or damaged).
First swim at the YMCA yesterday and it was a “learning experience”, not that I didn’t enjoy it also.
I jumped into the lane and suddenly realized that 7” was the “shallow” end! It started a 7” and went ot 14”. While I can dog paddle enough to last ok, it was a real shock to my system to “take a break” midway through and realize there was no bottom!
No panic, but it was a feeling I will never forget. I can float etc. without any problem. Also I couldn’t get out without going through other lanes, which was ok at the time since they weren’t that busy.
It still felt great to know there is a place I can swim on a regular basis and that has reasonably good hours and apparently isn’t too crowded when I have time to swim.
However, I did decide I will take some swimming lessons. I may be using this YMCA for a long time and I may as well feel comfortable in deep water and get the most benefit from swimming. Of course, it has been awhile since I swim on a regular basis and I will need to get my swimming arms and legs in shape!
The YMCA has a great setup, they have a “competition pool” with about 15 lanes (as I found out from 7’ to 14’ deep) and a “leisurely pool” which is about 3-5 feel deep. It also has several “lanes” a regular pool and a “Lazy river”.
The rain last night was sudden and brief, although it was a good rain. The builders have been doing a lot better here but I didn’t want to take the chance on getting my new shoes muddy and I didn’t want to switch to my old ones because the new ones feel so good!
The shoe store advised it is no problem to wash the shoes, but I didn’t want to get them muddy this soon in their life!
Excellent morning here on the patio, a nice breeze, an excellent morning. I really need to find a way to take my naps out here!
Yes, I remember, it is my birthday. I have adjusted to getting older, experience, Social Security and Medicare will take some of the sting out of it, plus I think somehow you just adjust to it and decide to enjoy life.
Probably what has surprised me is to find out how prevalent age discrimination is (even among people of the same age) and the stereotypes about age, again by all ages. It is funny, because, if you’re lucky, it is the one stage that everyone will experience, so it seems they would want to set the stage, but I think no one really feels like they will eventually grow old.
No matter what, frankly, I wouldn’t want to go back. I enjoy my current age, and I’m not really looking forward to some of the experiences of aging, at least I still have quite a few (possibly!) good years left and I will plan on enjoying them and making the most of them!
Like I have said before, I am just glad I had the opportunity!
That’s it for now, Thursday, August 6, 2015.
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