Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Summer 2015 August 18 Tuesday

83 degrees this morning, Walk 39:03 minutes

Clouds this morning, storms to the north.

A relatively high wind (for me) this morning on the patio, probably bringing in the forecast storms for this afternoon and tonight.  

At the baseball game last night, they had “foot long corn dogs”, something i have never had before and probably not healthy eating to say the least.  But oh, so good!  And I did only have one!

Still have been have active dreams recently, I just haven’t been getting them down right after I wake up.  It is amazing how fast you forget (or at least I forget) dreams even when they are so strong you wake up and it takes a minute for me to realize it is only a dream.  

Some of my dreams go back a long ways.  I don’t know the purpose of dreams, I just know they are very strong. It is strange I forget something so fast that is so strong.

Maybe if you consider the waking world and the sleep world as two different dimensions or even a different world, and there is a short transition between the two worlds or dimensions.  

Sometimes I think I have having the continuation of a  previous dream, but I really never know if it is a continuation or simply part of the single dream.  One of the reasons for recording dreams.  

I am scheduled to take a “sleep study” next week.  It will be at home, fortunately and I’m not quite sure what the goal is, other than to measure the oxygen in my blood?  Or something to that effect.  Since I can go to sleep almost anywhere and anytime, (and sometimes do), it shouldn’t be a problem getting to a deep sleep for whatever they decide to measure. 

School is starting this week for almost all area schools, so I guess that means the Summer is officially over, or at least it is the start of the end of Summer.  Of course, there is only about a month until Fall is officially here, although normally Summer type  weather continues for some time. 

WordPress class tonight and Thursday.  It has been a good class, if nothing else, it provides me with the incentive to start making changes and taking  some  initiative to make some changes on my site and just see what happens.  It had become rather static except for my journal.  

One of the students mentioned that “once you can do it, now what do we do with it”.  A good question, sometimes you feel like the wandering voice in the wilderness, with no one reading reading your web site, or, worse yet, if you had a web site and couldn’t think of a reason to use it. 

I have always found I learned something when I had a use for it and it is better if I decide what I want to learn to do and then learn it, rather than randomly learn something you may never use again, or at least won’t use soon enough to remember it or it will have changed so much you need to learn the new part and unlearn some of the old part!
Just started to rain.  I had to move from the outer patio to the inner patio (with a roof over it).  Strange the forecast said there was a 20% chance of rain at 3 a.m., 20% at 4 a.m. and 0%  at 5 a.m.  So, of course, it is now 5 a.m. and the first rain starts.  I guess it didn’t know there was a 0% chance of rain.

On the other hand, it has now stopped, so maybe it (whatever it is) read the app and realized it wasn’t supposed to be here!

Planning on a “Field Day” today at work.  I was hoping it wouldn’t rain until this afternoon.

That’s it for now, Tuesday, August 18, 2015

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