Saturday, August 29, 2015

Summer 2015 August 28 Friday

76 degrees this morning, still no walk, since still have coughing etc.  

It is really disgusting to be sick in August and not be able to really enjoy the nice August  weather.  Still have a cough, although I think it is getting slightly better.  

At least my eating isn’t affected, although I am trying to eat traditional foods that will help me get over whatever I had.

The Doctor (this was a phone call)) thought it was an allergy, but I really doubt it is an allergy.  It is just too severe to be an allergy.  He advised me to get an over the counter item and call him today if I don’t feel any better.  

This is one time that gatorade really didn’t help.  Aliene made up a concoction of honey, water and lemon that actually did help.  (I looked it up on the internet and it had positive reviews for coughs etc.)

Did the “home sleep study” last night.  It was simple, just had an item on my finger connected to what was basically a wrist watch.  I don’t know how much  my ailment affected my sleep pattern but I doubt if the basic patterns changed.

i think the purpose was to see if my oxygen levels went down when I was asleep.  I did sleep a little longer than normal today since I’m not walking and I figured any sleep I could get would help me recover.  

One thing about being sick, it makes you appreciate everyday life when you are feeling well!  As I remember hearing people say when I was little “if you have your health, you have everything”.  I expect that is true and was especially true back before many of the current medical advancements had been made.

Being sick also makes you realize the cost of being sick, in the sense that you don't get a lot of things done, although I will catch up.  

Received a note from a travel app I have that a year ago i took some pictures in Memphis (actually Lakeland).

I look at the last two years and think “has it only been two years” since I was in Lakeland.  It seems like years have past, and I believe in a lot of ways that is true.  I may have have been the overall changes as much as it was the uncertainty.  

I always tie it back into my first operation for my teeth implants on September 5, 2013.  I have a hard time believing it has only been two years since that time.  

On the other hand, the last year, even though it has included moving etc. seems to have some connectivity and sameness (for lack of a better word).  I don’t mean that in a negative matter nor even a positive manner, it just is.  

Actually, looking back over the last two years, I realize how lucky I  was that some of the things I may have hoped for didn’t work out!  I think the saying is “Be careful about what you want because you may get it!

Don’t know about going into work today.  Obviously I wouldn’t go in to work if I was in contact with other people, but I do have plenty of work to do here in my office.  However, at least right now, I doubt if i could be productive enough to make it worthwhile.  Coughing just seems to take it out of you.  

Hopefully, by tomorrow morning I will be feeling much better!

That’s it for now, Friday, August 28, 2015. 

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