Monday, August 31, 2015

Summer 2015 August 31 Monday

74 degrees this morning, no walk due to coughing etc.  (although coughing a lot less)

I will be glad to return to work this morning.  Although I still cough, I made it through the night without any major coughing jags.  

I hopefully will try walking again tomorrow morning, although i have a history of trying to return too fast to “normal” after being sick, so I will see.  

My medicine lasts until Wednesday (at least the antibiotics etc), so I may wait until then.  I just don’t want to get out of the habit.  

Spent the weekend basically in shutdown mode, trying as much as possible to be in a position to recover as fast as possible so I can resume normal activities. Hopefully Aliene isn’t getting what I had.  

I read some more over the weekend (in “Wired” magazine and other articles) on invasions of privacy disguised as “marketing”, the power of the “FANG” (as Jim Cramer calls it-Facebook, Amazon,  Netflix and Google), as well as many other companies to invade our privacy on the concept of “selling” items.  

My feeling has been it hasn’t been all that effective, their tactics actually creep me out, but apparently the big money thinks I’m wrong.

They can do things like identify you from your eyeballs as you walk past, have computers make stereotype guesses as to your age, income etc as you walk past so they know what commercials etc to toss at you, amid a myriad of other invasions of privacy and stereotyping disguised as “marketing”.  

All in the name of trying to peddle more junk you don’t need. 

After reading this, I have to change  my mind some, as even though I don’t have any idea why anyone would care about my personal activities, it could (and probably is) being used to discriminate and target you on the basis of age, income, race, gender, personal and political beliefs, religious beliefs etc.    

Somehow, companies  making assumptions  about me based on stereotypes of what they feel I think I am or believe and then throwing a bunch of insulting, misleading, or assuming ads at me really angers me. 

I have a general idea of stereotypes about what I believe and do based on what they think is my age, location, etc, and they are wrong about 75% of what I believe or buy.  

In a way, I don’t mind.  As a part of the “baby boomer” generation which was marketed to for years (and is now being ignored in favor of younger generations), they were wrong then also.

However, I think the overwhelming effects of the media “assuming” things and spending huge sums on marketing has a tendency to shape your beliefs until you realize it isn’t how you really feel.  I look back and when I was a teenager and remember what the news media said I was “supposed “ to be like.  At that age it is hard not to assume the news media is right, hey, these are supposed be adults who know “everything”.

As Jim Cramer says “they know NOTHING!”.  Unfortunately, it took me a a few years to realize that and I see younger people making the same mistake.  Something you learn by experience.   

I don’t think they realize the effects of the continuous effort to “sell” with ads that 95% of the people ignore, but they can still make money off the 5%.  Kind of like spam, in fact probably worse then spam.  

Well, it is Monday and I am glad to get back to work, hopefully will feel well.  Sometime this week I will get all new accounts again, so I need to clean up a few today that I was planning to get done last week.  

That is the main thing I dislike about getting sick, is the complete loss of productivity.

That’s it for now, Monday, August 31, 2015.

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