72 degrees this morning, Walk 38:28 minutes.
The book “The Believing Brain” (oddly enough written by a well-knowns “skeptic”, and the book on “Tidying Up” seem to have worked together somehow.
Synergy is the term which springs to mind, although the term has been misused and abused and used for the wrong purposes so much I almost hate to use it. Almost, but that is the best word, in it’s true sense and definition, that I can think of to describe it.
The “Believing Brain” notes that “belief comes first, then the reasons to support the belief come next”. Maybe not always, and somewhere, you have to have some kind of reasons or justification for the belief in the first place.
The old saying “when the student is ready, the master appears” went through my mind this morning when thinking about this, even before I heard the statement in the book that “belief comes first, then the reasons….”
Somehow it is like I inhaled (so to speak) the concept of the book “Tidying Up” without really consciously applying any specific statements, other than the main one which is basically the old concept of “don’t let your possessions possess you”.
I have actually applied some of the implementing concepts, although I don’t necessarily use the word or thought “joy”.
I really like her idea of “thanking the object for it’s service”. It may sound lame, but it actually makes it much easier to donate or dispose of an object. I guess it brings some kind of closure to an object which, after all, I have lived with for years and it did bring me some pleasure.
I have found it is much easier to donate an item, at least I think there is a chance that someone else will enjoy it.
Also, it make it much easier if I take a picture of it first, if it is something somewhat unique or something that brings back memories, especially positive ones.
Of course, whether this is a permanent change in thinking and action is the key.
I learned a long time ago that it takes 21 days to effectively break a habit. The times I have really put my mind to changing something, I have found the 21 day rule is true. Your habits and thinking do actually change after 21 days and the change become much easier.
It is rather strange the power a possession has on you, especially when I rationally know that the cost of replacing an item (frequently an improved item) is much less than the psychic and actual cost of keeping something around for years!
As I have mentioned before about even clothes, much less electronics etc., the improvements in them would justify “throwing out the old and buying new”! Easy to consciously acknowledge it and another to emotionally acknowledge it!
Field day for work yesterday, trying to mop up the existing tasks before getting new ones Monday or Tuesday. I am looking forward to the new ones to see what they are.
August of 2015 already. Looking back, I can’t see where the time has gone, but I guess that is the nature of time.
That’s it fo now, Saturday, August 1, 2015.
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