Sunday, August 23, 2015

Summer 2015 August 23 Sunday

80 degrees this morning, 36:53 minute walk

Wow, did I walk faster, or did i accidentally cut off part of my normal walk?  Reviewing it in my mind, I can’t see where I missed any of my walk and I know was had hoofing it.  I need to start using “Map my Walk” every day so I can see where I actually walked!

I don’t know why I walk fast or slow, normally my time is about the span of a minute.  I don’t consciously try to outdo myself, since I walk just to walk, not to get better times.

We have a pet toad (or toads) that sit out on the driveway and front porch eating bugs at night.  There tongues move amazingly fast.  We have to watch when we come in at night so we don’t accidentally run over it.

It started with a big toad on the driveway then a big toad and a little toad (I assume either a toad spouse or child, if that is the appropriate term), now the big toad is on the driveway and the little toad is at the front door.   We almost hate to spray for insects since we are scared we will poison the toads.  

While a small thing, if you think about it, most of life is the small things, the little events that make up your life every day and create a tapestry you remember as your life, punctuated by the big events or happenings that you use to mark the passing of time of the small things that really make up your life.

Found a new “app” I am trying out, another note app that you can use a stylus to write on an iPad, or your figure or type.  I think is is  called “Whim” (my iPad is inside and I”m too lazy to get up to get it and find exactly what it is called, it is just too nice out here and soon the sprinkler system will come on and I”ll have to go inside.  As I said, life is made up of small things!)

I don’t know why I need another notes “app”, I really like the Apple “Notes” and use it for everything.  I also have Microsoft “OneNote”,  which may be effective.  However, something about being able to write on the screen, and use colors etc. is inviting for me!  

Somehow, I always return to “Notes” and my iPad screen is littered with apps that were good, but just not good enough to beat the basic simplicity of “Notes”

Maybe Apple will release a version that I can handwrite on the screen and make it perfect!   Adding some color wouldn’t hurt either.   On the other hand, “Keeping it Simple” isn’t always bad!

The patio is really perfect this morning.  80 degrees, but the cool winds (and slight at that) make it perfect.  

I am not a fan of wind.  I don’t like the continuous wind blowing and can understand how it drove people insane.  However, the slight wind of the morning that cools the air and makes it perfect is really nice. 

They were forecasting storms and rain this morning, but at least it isn’t in this area.  

The last of the WordPress sessions is this week.  It has been good, I have learned a lot and, most of all, have become somewhat motivated by what I have learned.  The last session is probably going to be beyond me, but I figure I will learn enough (or have the chance to ask questions) that it will be worthwhile going. 

Evernote remains a puzzle.  For all the years I have used it, for all the time I have spent trying to learn it, it just really doesn’t seem to work all that well for what I need.  I can make it work after a fashion, but it seems like it should be better.  Maybe it tries to be everything to everyone and it ends up being inadequate for everyone, or at least a large number of people.  

Again, sometimes I think they need to think more about the product and less about what add on’s they can sell.

Enjoying the weekend.  

That’s it for now, Sunday, August 23, 2015.

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