Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Summer 2013 September 10

76/79 degrees.  Seems cool.  Just walked and lifted weights this morning, no cycle yet.  6th day since dental surgery.  Still bothers me, actually hurts worse this morning than before.  Apparently effects of swelling etc.  Just not ready to cycle yet.  
Extremely busy day yesterday, just really feel time limited to say the least.  Still limited in what I eat (obviously I chew on the right side of my mouth, but carrots and apples are still a hard sell to eat right now!).  
Birds out out again this morning, but a different type of bird, not the "cawing' bird.  Heard the cicadas last night, the sound always brings back my childhood when they were abundant.  The sound doesn't bother me in fact I kind of like it (like tree frogs).  
A number of meetings this week.  While I realize they are necessary, they take up a lot of time.  
Kali and Katherine are into school again.  I remember when I was their age, I always silently wish them well.  It is difficult and each person has to live it herself.
Summer is ending soon.  Life cycles fast.  I know that everyone has to change, it is a necessary process, but... 
The Apple announcement is today.  I always look forward to what they are going to present, hopefully a "surprise" this year!  I jumped from an iPhone 3 to an iPhone 5 (I really like the iPhone 5), so I am unlikely to upgrade to just an enhanced iPhone 5s very soon.  I have learned to check the "product cycle" since it seems I tend to purchase something just as it becomes obsolete by the next cycle.  (Purchased my first iMac, just before the change to the intel chip etc.) Anyway, that has made me very cautious  about buying Apple products that have been around for awhile.  
My poem today, from "The World Without End is Ending" is "Celebration".  Again, I was in a Poetry class where each poem was aimed at a certain objective.  I don't know what the objective was on this one, but I enjoyed writing it.  some of my favorite things are in there, coffee, the mail (now e-mail!), lifting weights (I used to do it at noon, which was a wonderful break in the day, not I do it early morning), cherry pie and twilight.  
I celebrate
The first jolting cup of hot black coffee
Lake a blade cutting through the fading dreams
I celebrate the ritual of 
Lifting weights of iron
In the middle of daily chaos
 I celebrate the surprise phone calls
The morning mail,
A letter or card arriving
Like a sudden unexpected gift

I celebrate the cherry pie
Delightfully red and sweet
A marvel of perfection
Amid the routine of ordinary

I celebrate the twilight
And all stars defending the settling
Of darkness

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