Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Fall 2013 September 23

50/52 Degrees (63 in Memphis) Went swimming this morning, which was wonderful.  I swim and then sit in the hot tub and then swim some more.
Fall is here, both in name and in spirit.  Today is my cousins' 65th birthday.  I am struck by this since I have known him since I was a child and some of my first memories are playing with him, so realizing he is 65 (and I am older than him) ...time really does go fast.
A busy day ahead.  I ate too much junk food yesterday after doing pretty well for awhile, so it is time to get back on the Willpower wagon again!
My dental surgery area is still bothering me, but it is good in as sense since it is getting better so I know it is improving.  I will have the "foundations" and "posts" put in for the new two teeth implants in about 5 months.  Probably that won't be a lot of fun either, but it is part of the process.
Finished "Joyland" by Stephen King Saturday. It was a relatively good book. I haven't read a Stephen King book for awhile (I did read "The Dome" when the book first came out).  His good books are absolutely wonderful, you can feel yourself get caught up in them and it is almost like you can imagine it really happening.  His bad ones are almost unreadable, in fact I don't read them.
I used to struggle reading a book, trying to finish it.  Now I probably frequently stop reading a book almost too often (especially a fiction book) almost too fast.  It is kind of like reading newspapers, why read about the celebrities, crime etc. and waste the time

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