Sunday, September 22, 2013

Fall 2013 September 22

69 degrees, 60 degrees in Memphis
I'll take back what I said about the Commercial Appeal being the best digital newspaper.  It is WHEN YOU CAN GET THROUGH TO IT!  It has the worst interface to access it, continually buggy etc.  After they raised their price from $15 to $23 per month (50% increase?) it seems they would have fixed their continual access problems.  But they obviously haven't, it has even gotten worse.
I am assuming it is now "Fall" and Summer 2013 has ended.  Unlike many years, I have read nothing about the beginning of Fall, except a short squib on the Weather Channel several days ago.
Currently early Sunday morning.  Looking forward to going swimming this morning.  Swimming is enjoyable, even if I really just paddle around.
Continuing on my "Willpower Instinct" reading (as noted by my notes in this blog).  Like anything, reading about it won't matter, writing about it won't matter, unless I do something about it and make it a daily habit.  I will try to set aside a few minutes per day to practice what i learn.
I am pretty sure my willpower objectives will include better organization, which I have struggled with for years.  I really am not sure why this is a problem, since I like  nice, neat files and organization.  I can remember the first time I went to a federal government office (after I started working for a City) and noticed how they had a tremendous number of files and I was amazed to think that everything was filed and retrievable.  Somehow it has not filtered into my behavior!

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