Saturday, September 28, 2013

Fall 2013 September 28

78/79 degrees (66/69 Memphis).  Dental surgery feeling much better, hopefully the skin rash is also doing better.  Had to skip swimming this morning due to skin rash.
Rain coming in.  I would love to live in a place where it almost never rains (such as San Diego), at least in theory.  I realize we "need rain", but I have never liked rain and I like it less as I have to deal with drainage problems etc.!  Drainage problems are especially hard to deal with because  "everyone is an expert" and water is going to go someplace on matter what. Also, it can cause so much damage, and can suddenly be a problem where it has never been a problem before.  Of course, the last time I was in San Diego, it hadn't rained for six months and it rained the entire time I was there, at times even flooding rain.  Such is life!  
Like much of life "balance" is important, so I just have to accept that rain is part of the cycle and hope that the "balance" is maintained!  
I am not sure if balance is in the eye of the beholder (so to speak) or if there is a natural balance, but I know it is important.  "Moderation in all things" is a good way to live if you can remember the process in your daily living! 

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