Wednesday, September 04, 2013

September 2013 September 4

71/72 degrees this morning, almost cold!
Recently started a "full time" New York Times subscription, so I am time pressed to read all my newspapers.  However, each brings such a different perspective, it is hard to eliminate any of them!
Thought I would have some extra time this morning, but somehow it got consumed!
Fall is already in the air a little, although usually it is good weather (i.e. non winter) until about Thanksgiving or even Christmas.  
Still listening to the "Willpower Instinct".  This morning was about reaching goals etc., with the story about Cortez (I think) burning the ships so the troops couldn't retreat.  
My poem today is "She".  I actually wrote it in response to a certain time of poem requested by the instructor because I liked the flow of the words after I got started.  I didn't write it with anyone in mind, but I actually viewed it as that moment of release when you realize a decision was made that actually you wanted, but you didn't realize it until it was made. In my mind it was a positive rejection, if that makes any sense.  I didn't realize I interpreted it in that manner until several years after I wrote it.  
She kindly broke his wings with an honest
 And with rejection broke his winds of hope
 Her sudden laughter broke the wings of his dreams
As memories broke the wings of the moment
 Than the clouds broke the mood of the day

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