Saturday, August 06, 2016

2016 Summer August 6 Saturday

81 degrees this morning, walk 22:17 minutes 

Lightning was in the distance as I started my walk this morning.  I thought, if I don’t hear thunder it can’t be that  bad.

Then, of course, I  started hearing thunder.  I didn’t think it was in a direction that it would come over me, but I decided better safe than  sorry and shortened my walk.

I had noticed on the “weather app” that there had been some lightning, but it looked like it was almost past.  However, it seemed to be getting closer.

Sitting on the patio, still hasn’t rained, but the lightning and thunder are still around  

I got some information in an e-mail the other day that makes sense on exercise.  Instead of  trying to do a certain amount of exercises etc., just decide how much time I have for exercise and then allot that time and do what I want during that time frame.  It makes a lot of sense.

I could swim, bicycle, or walk or whatever, and if I want to allot one hour to it, I can do any of that or any combination for an hour  It would also have the added effect of  varying routines.  I would probably allot a separate amount of time for strength training  

It makes a lot of sense in a lot of ways and would somewhat resolve the time problem in that I know how much time I have for “cardio” exercise and it can be biking, walking or swimming or any combination for a set period of time.  

It also makes sense in that it would vary the activities.  

Makes sense, which is probably is  why I haven’t done it this way yet!  I’ll see what may work.  

Somehow time seems to fill up.  I”m talking about the “day” now, not just exercise.  It is amazing how many activities or “round tu its” there are to take up the time. I am always trying to catch up on items, letters, projects etc.  

Somehow the activities or projects expand to more than fit the time available!  

As I have noted recently, I love Starbucks coffee (but not their food), but I really have to wonder about some of their policies.  

The new “rewards” program is somewhat of a joke, although my only objective in participating in it is the “gold” card (or status), which allows me free refills etc.  What few “free” drinks I get, I’ll take when I get them. 

I got an e-mall from Starbucks that said ‘Happy Birthday” and offered me a birthday coffee etc.  In the SMALL PRINT, they mention it is only good until the day after my birthday!?  I got it the day before my birthday!  What a joke!  A birthday gift should be a birthday gift!  

Also, I don’t like their policy on siting their shops, where they seemed designed to maximum impedance to traffic from the drive thru, but the planners should do more  to prevent the traffic problems. 

Actually won a “table for four” at the local AAA baseball game.  Includes tickets, free food etc. and is at an actual table where you can watch the baseball game.  At the price they quote for it, I hope I don’t like it too much!   At least I will get free hat out of the deal!

Another weekend.  I expect the election will be here before we know it.  It will certainly be a different type of election!

Another year gone by.  I am now at the age I never thought I would be when I was younger, probably even 20 years ago.  Age all seemed so abstract then.

Actually, it seems rather abstract now.  Age is just age.  And yet it’s not just age.  I don’t define myself by age, but it is still there, looming over my life. 

That’s it for now, Saturday, August 6, 2016.

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