Wednesday, August 10, 2016

2016 Summer August 10 Wednesday

83 degrees this morning, walk 43:30 minutes 

I didn’t mean to walk longer this morning, I lost track of where I was (or rather I lost track of where I had been) and repeated part of my route.  

Of course, it is the only part of the route I can repeat (done for an obvious reason!).  I either got lost in thought or was involved in my listening story (just started a biography of Nikola Tesla).  

Unfortunately, it happens more often than I care to think about.  I forget how many reps I have done on the weights etc. and generally have to keep track of everything with a watch or I will have no idea how long I have been exercising  

When I used to exercise at a school track, I would frequently forgot how many times I had been around even a quarter mile track, so I learned early in life to keep track with a watch!  

At least I didn’t get lost like I did in another area with a myriad of streets going all kinds of ways.  This area has a main street that runs through the subdivision with coves off of it, so it is almost impossible to get lost, as long as I remember my directions.  (Another problem!)

Modern city planning has limited the number of coves (or cut de sacs).  Developers love them, people love them, for some reason Planners don’t.  I never saw a problem with a design like this one, I much prefer it over a criss-cross of streets.  

As far as I’m concerned, the more coves (or cu del sacs) the better.  It substantially lowers traffic in the residential areas and is much quieter.  

Still a nice cool wind on the patio this morning, even with a temperature of 83 degrees.  Actually is a 20% chance of rain, although I didn’t see anything even close to a rain cloud or a raindrop.  

Watched some of the opening ceremonies of the Olympics last night (We watch everything on the DVR, not live), it was quite a show.  

I have to wonder why nations can’t get along like they do at the Olympics.  

What always surprises me is the dedication an work of the participants who don’t get a medal and really don’t expect to.  Probably the difference between last and first is very small, a matter of a smidgen more talent, better training facilities etc.

Actually that is true in any profession or field, the difference between success and mediocre is relatively small

Of course, you may think, “if I practice just a little more or put in a little more time etc……I would maybe excel….”.  

I don’t know if that is true or not, it may be that training or putting too much time in can be counterproductive or lead to injury.  

I used to have a friend who wanted to get the license plate “Balance” (it was already taken). However, the concept was interesting to me and I have tried to consider that in my activities  

Usually “balance” in life is best, not go to extremes in any aspect of your life and “balance” work, play, off time, food, exercise etc.  

Of course, determining what “balance” of activities works for an individual is still part of the process, but somehow I think “balance” can be an approximation.  Usually if a person is “out of balance” with any part of their life,  you will know it  (or someone will tell you) and you can adjust to keep your life in balance.

Kind of like deign a car, you make small adjustments to keep  in your lane. 

Have a “balanced” day! 

That’s it for now, Wednesday, August 10, 2016.

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