Tuesday, August 02, 2016

2016 Summer August 2 Tuesday

80 degrees this morning, walk 35:36 minutes 

Clear and windy again this morning.  Sitting on the patio, there is a loud bug of some kind, with a very obnoxious chirp (not really a chirp, kind of like a cicada’s buzz, except I like a cicada’s song, this is just a noise.  The difference between taking and singing).  

The only good thing is I figure any bug that makes noise like that is sure to attract the attention of a bird or other animal looking for a good meal!  Thank goodness we can’t hear it in the house.

Re-energized about breathing correctly again, after reading some material sent me on breathing.   I have been trying to breathe through my nose and not my mouth, but was probably getting away from it.  I learned some new techniques to try as well as got some positive reinforcement about breathing correctly again.  

It seems like breathing the right way should be natural.  I think you can say breathing is natural, but good breathing is actually difficult, at least for me.  I try to concentrate on breathing through my nose etc., hoping I am changing my habits to breathing correctly when I’m not thinking about it.

I am still using the CPAP machine at night.  I have generally gotten used to it, although there are still nights when it isn’t the most natural thing in the world to sleep with! I don’t know if I feel any better or not, but I don’t feel any worse and the machine indicates it is helping my breathing while I sleep.  

Of course, they always add the part about “it would be better  if you lose weight”.  Actually, I appreciate the reminder, that is another thing I need to continuously remind myself about.  

I have introduced some carbs back, too many.  Things like pancakes, french fries etc. are just too attractive.  Actually, I don’t like a lot of hem, just now and then, but it still adds up.  

I never did worry about “carbs” in fruit or vegetables.  I know some people do, but I never did even at the height of my “carb free” living.  

In fact, my breakfast (usually oatmeal, honey and blueberries) is full of carbs, especially when I also eat an apple or orange.  However, my Doctor said “if you’re going to eat carbs, morning is the time to do it”, so I didn’t worry about it.  

Of course, he wasn’t saying it was ok to eat carts, he just said “if you are going to, the morning is best”, but some things I don’t give up. 

I never thought I would reduce my coffee drinking much (except on the most dire medical advice), but somehow the Keurig has substantially reduced my coffee drinking.  Also, I think my morning schedule has changed to where it just isn’t practical for me to drink a lot of coffee.  

Of course, when we eat out (for breakfast), I am the same old coffee hound, some things don’t change! 

I have given up on trying to find a good cup of coffee at night, now I generally just order water and save the money.  (I don’t drink caffeinated drinks and the ice tea around here is normally so weak I may has well drink water.)  There are avery few places where I can get a good cup of coffee after 10 a.m. (and McDonalds and Starbucks are  two of them, but they don’t really count, since I normally don’t eat Supper there!).

Actually the Starbucks sandwiches etc. are horrible.  I am sure there desserts and similar food is great (I know there cookies are good!), but there sandwiches, at least their breakfast sandwiches, don’t meet my minimum standards.  And my minimum standards can be pretty low!

Today is the anniversary of staring my job 1 year and eleven months ago.  Time passes fast.  I look back and wonder how lucky I was to fall into this job.  While it doesn’t pay a lot (of course, as they say “the benefits are wonderful” and they certainly do add up), I really enjoy it.  

That’s it for now, Tuesday, August 2, 2016.

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