2016 Summer August 4 Thursday
82 degrees this morning, 36:33 minute walk
82 degrees and, at this time of the morning, it really isn’t bad. There is a cooling breeze blowing as I sit on the patio writing this and it is actually very comfortable
My iPhone this morning tried to force me to “upgrade”. Nothing mades me madder than to have a machine (or iPhone, computer or whatever) tell me what I “have” to do.
A similar anger emotion is from web pages who try to force you to change your password or a certain type of password. Of course, in the end you don’t really have a choice (except to avoid the web site and company, which I have done).
So many times, the “experts” or people who “know what is best for you” are proven wrong by history. An example is flossing teeth. I don’t really feel flossing your teeth is bad for you, but I never thought it was worth the time, effort and frustration and it appears I may have been right!
Same with coffee, used to be coffee was “bad’” for you, now, in moderation, it is considered as good for you!
History is full of such changes in thinking, a good reason for free speech!
When we were in Memphis, we used to enjoy going the AAA Memphis Redbirds baseball games .There was a vendor who would shout out “It’s Hot Out Here!” in a loud and memorable voice.
Now, sometimes when I go out in the heat of the day I can hear him (in my memory) shouting “It”s Hot Out Here!” and I have to agree!
Bicycle riding is actually going fairly well I still have a few spots (i.e. hills) that I do not look forward to, but overall I look forward to the ride each morning. After mentioning yesterday about cars while I bicycle, I had some positive contact with vehicles on my morning ride.
In a way it is really good, because I am learning to deal with riding on streets with cars. When I rode in Lakeland, most of my riding was at times that there wasn’t much traffic, even though I rode on a highway (in a separate bicycle lane).
It is like anything, if I learn to deal with traffic, I will learn to deal with traffic. If I avoid it, I will never learn to deal with it.
In this case, it involved a car coming up on me as I came up to a stop sign and turning. I was prepared for the vehicle to try to pass me, but instead they waited. (I gave them a big wave of appreciation and almost fell off the bicycle!)
There is one dog on the route that I know would love to bark at and probably chase me, but it’s owner is always there and it is too well trained to do so! I can see the hunger in its eyes and it looks at me and then looks at it’s owner!
Barking dogs haven’t been a big problem, the few times a dog has tried to nip at me, I can either beat it or use my water bottle, which for some reason, sf very effective. (I squirt water at them, not throw the bottle at them!)
I do occasionally have some conflict with the numerous geese who reside at some ponds I ride by. Normally they just look at me, but if they are crossing a road, it can be a problem!
I normally quack (or whatever geese do) at them, but they ignore me.
My brother-in-law told me about “gobbling” like a turkey brings out a bunch of wild turkey’s in some areas where they live! My sister attests to it or I”m not sure if I would believe him!
Field day today. As the vendor shouted, I’m sure i will be thinking “It’s Hot Out Here!”.
That’s it of snow, Thursday, August 4, 2016.
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