Monday, August 15, 2016

2016 Summer August 15 Monday

2016 Summer August 15 Monday

71 degrees this morning, walk 36:15 miles

Listening to a book about Nikola Tesla, who competed and cooperated with Edison, Westinghouse etc.

What is really interesting is to compare it to the current period or especially the 80’s and 90’s with the development of the personal computer market.  Big money backed various inventions, there was a lot of “vaporware” and lies and cheating or stealing were part of the game.  

The story primarily concerns the development of the Alternating Current electrical system as opposed to the Direct Current system, with Tesla developing one of, if not the first the first workable AC systems.  Again sometimes with promised results that frequently did not actually arrive for years.

There is some gruesome stores about the development of the electric chair, including electrocuting animals etc by all concerned and the electrocution of the first criminal (although the objective was reached it was not really a success which I will not go into).  

The marketing of different devices haven’t appeared to change in 140 years or so, the promises etc. are still more than the results  etc.  

While I understand the concept of AC vs. DC, I  really don’t have any idea how it actually works.  My mind just doesn’t think that way.  

It seems to be the norm that all major advances seem to occur with several inventors, frequently working independently, discover the same thing.  It is almost like it is in the air and ready to be invented.  

To some degree, that is probably true, that science makes certain inventions or advances and that sets the basis for sudden major advances.

Haven’t had a lot of dreams lately, but they  recently started again.  I had several yesterday but only noted one.  It is so strange I almost didn’t write it down.

8-14-16 Dream

Dreamed Aliene and I were in an old  house.  

Apparently, we had just recently moved

The part I remember,  I keep looking for the breakfast cereal. I looked all over, but couldn’t find it.  The kitchen had one of those big old fashioned cupboards (not built in).

I looked in one cupboard and there was a dirt floor and I thought I saw a frog.  

I closed the door, grabbed a broom and opened the door again. the figure now looked like a mouse.

When I looked again, it looked like a cat.

I was still looking for cereal and couldn’t find it.

Three men came in, wanting to see me about “auditorium “  plans. 

I told them I didn’t know anything about it, that I had just started  a few months ago.

They looked at me suspiciously and then talked among themselves.   

They mentioned how crooked  the current mayor is (in Tennessee) etc. and they insisted he had told them the plans were ready.

I woke up.  It took me a while to realize it was only a dream.

That’s it for now, Monday August 15, 2016. 

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