Wednesday, August 31, 2016

2016 Summer August 31 Wednesday

75 degrees this morning, walk 36:50 minutes  

Strange walk this morning, I could feel myself dragging, but I guess that happens.  

What was strange about it was the “furry creatures” I encountered during my walk.  I am almost sure one was a possum (or related)  who walked right in front of me and the other was either a cat, or, more likely from the walk, a (shudder) skunk!  

I obviously have no desire to confront any animal, much less a skunk, and stay far away, making sure I don’t accidentally trap them into a tight place.  

I follow the “you leave me alone, I”ll leave you alone” attitude with any wild creature (or even insect for that matter).  Or any tame creatures for that matter.  

The newspapers came very early this morning.  I am never sure of the carrier’s schedule, although they are almost always here by 5:00 a.m.

Since I have changed my activity patterns between the time I get up and when I go to work (which is earlier than I used to go to work to provide me more flexibility during the day),  it almost no longer matters when the papers arrive,although 5 a.m. is the latest I’d want to get them.  

Slowly my plans for an iPad Pro are coming into focus.  That is, assuming there is an upgrade, and it is worth the money and will be useful to me.  I am planning on the announcement on Sept. 7 to include an upgraded iPad Pro, and I have been diligently saving my “cash back” on my credit card.   If the product doesn’t intrigue me, I”ll just say “wait till next year!”.  

Of course, probably the “apps” are more important than the product.  While not all apps work as advertised, there is a  lot of amazing apps, most of which I never actually get to check out.  

For some reason, the apps for the iPhone/iPad are a lot more varied that the ones for the computer.  I never have figured out why that is so.

Sitting on the patio, watching the world wake up.  While it is slow waking up in this area, I still note little things.  I actually recognize the sound of the newspapers carrier motor as the rounds are completed.

What is always surprising to me is how the train can seem so much more louder at night time.  Actually “louder”  is the correct word, it can seem so much more “presence” in the early morning hours.  Some mornings, it almost sounds like it is right next to me, and in an odd way of projection, sometimes, the train actually seems to be on the other side of me, which is a weird feeling.

I think the moisture in the air makes a huge difference, and in a foggy type atmospheres, the sound is a lot louder.  

Fortunately we almost never hear it in the house, and I don’t know if it would bother us even if we did  There is something almost comforting about a t rain going past, especially in the night time.  Of course, that is based on a few trains now and then, and usually we can’t hear the whistle.  

Field Day today. Since I temporarily have a larger area, I look forward to the increased variety.  

The Community Police course last night was good.  The city has a brand new Police Station and some of the advances they  have included in the building amazing.

That’s it for now, Wednesday, August 31, 2016 

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

2016 Summer August 30 Tuesday

2016 Summer August 30 Tuesday

75 degrees this morning, walk 34:43 minutes 

I am always somewhat puzzled by the difference in time in walking.  This morning I would feel I was going faster, but I’m not sure why.  

When I used to listen to music on my walk, music with a faster beat would substantially increase my walking pace, but somehow I don’t think listening to a book will make that much difference.  Although I guess it could depend on the book, but I have been listening to the same book for several weeks.

Apple has set an “event” for September 7.  Hopefully, they have some good announcements.  As I mentioned previously, if they are just making some minor improvements in the iPhone 7, I will feel somewhat betrayed by their “rental” program, and will probably just buy the phone and go to my 2 year cycle.  (I have one iPhone that is a work phone, so I would just put one phone on a different cycle, which actually it already is.  My personal phone is even years and my work phone is odd years.)

Of course, my main interest is in the iPad Pro and the Apply Watch to see if they are up to any type of standards that will justify the expense.  As they say,  I can’t describe it, but I will know it when I see it.  

Listening to the book on Tesla, I continue to be amazed at how comparable (as far as human behavior) the era of the 1890’s to 1900’s were similar to today’s environment.  As they say, only the players and times have changed, the Play remains the same.  

Inventions and advances in technology which can only be described as unbelievable advances, promotion of “vaporware”, inventors failing to realize how to market their inventions and getting their ideas stolen, shady promoters, outright thieves, media manipulation, rich “backers” funding inventors etc. 

A lot has changed that make it a complete different world, 24 hour news, the literally instant transmission of news, the “smart phone”, which provides every person instant contact with other persons etc.  Somehow, human nature stays the same.

While we are essentially moved in, actually being “moved in” takes a lot time and maybe never ends.  We got some of our favorite paintings up over the weekend.  

Tonight is the second night of the Community Police Program I am involved in.  It is a program to become familiar with how the Police Department operates, not any attempt to become involved in police work (which I have absolutely no desire to do).  I am glad there are people that like to do it!  

Basically it just gives background information on the facilities, programs, etc.  It is a smart move on the part of the City to build support for the Police Department, and also provides residents with some insight into the Police Department.  Actually it is rather fascinating, especially with my background.  

I wasn’t sure how I would send up to 13 weeks of 3 hour classes, but I think it is varied enough to keep it interesting .  

Like anything, the only thing I don’t like is that when you make one decision (in this case involving my Tuesday nights), it eliminates other possibilities on Tuesday night.  While I could miss, I don’t plan to unless it is very important.  

Office day today.  It is nice to have the variety of a “Field Day” and an “Office Day”.  Each has it’s own good and bad points, but the fact they areas different makes it a nice change.  

That’s it of now, Tuesday, August 30, 2016. 

Monday, August 29, 2016

2016 Summer August 29 Monday

2016 Summer August 29 Monday

73 degrees this morning, walk 35:50 minutes 

I am surprised again in listening to the book about Tesla about some of the advancements and projects/experiments they were performing in the 1890-early 1900’s era.  All kinds of electrical and wireless experiments, discussion about communication with Mars etc.  

It is really one of those books that you can listen to, but I am going to have to actually read it to pick up soon some of what it says, or maybe I can do an internet search and pick up on some of the experiments etc.  They literally did some “earth shaking’ experiments.   

I wonder why Mars is always the planet that is identified as the one we communicate with or the one that that has life like beings who will invade earth, or at least visit earth.  I think I vaguely recall the climate may be somewhat the same.

It seems that is a false assumption, since in that case we are only assuming that “life” can exist on a planet similar to ours, whereby it has been proven that life adapts to the environment.  Maybe there is “life” on the sun that adapts to the hot temperature, it would just be much different of a “life” than we know.  Ditto with all of the planets.  

While I can’t imagine anyone living on the Sun (especially) or some of the extremely hot or cold planets, I don’t really see why there  couldn’t be some type of “life” maybe just not anywhere close to what we know.  

Baseball season (that is the local AAA baseball games we attend) will be over this week.  We are having a last blowout of games this week and then probably a playoff game or two and then that is it until next Summer.   

One factor about AAA baseball, both good and bad, is that it is the level right below Major League Baseball.  So, a good player is likely to be called up, and you won’t see him again, but you also have to be glad for him that his dream of playing in the “Major League” is achieved.

It is especially bad for the playoffs, because (I don’t understand all of this), the Major League teams can expand their teams on or about September 1, so they call up all the good players and the “playoffs” are basically an entire new team!  Doesn’t make the playoffs very meaningful or even interesting or even the AAA level for that matter.   

It seems they ought to have some system where the good players wouldn’t be hurt, but the fans who have stuck with them all season also could have a chance to see them play in the playoffs. 

Anyway, like they say, if I don’t like it I don’t have to attend.   Maybe it is why attendance isn’t all that great.  They make their living off of selling tickets to businesses who don’t show up and then (at least the local AAA team) jacking up tickets to the point the ordinary fan (like us) either quits attending or substantially reduces their attendance.  

And then they wonder where all the “fans” are.  It is amazing they announce a “sellout” and half the seats are empty!

I recently noted that the water rates for the city we live in are extremely high (and they are).  However, I recently learned that apparently many water customers were overcharged and will receive a credit on a future water bill.  (A meter reader “estimated” the water usage rather than reading the meter leading to some high bills that overcharges.)

The rates are still extremely high.  It would help if they charged the heavy users for the extra capacity.  

Start of another week, with a three day weekend to look forward to this week.  

I still have a problem on some weekends thinking I need to work.  It is part of a long-term cultural experience in my previous career.  I have to adjust to realizing, on this job, “when I”m off, I’m off”!  

That’s it for now, Monday, August 29, 2016.

Sunday, August 28, 2016

2016 Summer August 28 Monday

74 degrees this morning, walk 36:42 minutes 

Heard the howling of the coyotes this morning.  I can only wonder what the sound was like to the early settlers or the early pathfinders who had no idea what danger the sound might mean.  

Whenever I travel by car, I wonder how in the world they managed to travel this area with big wagons etc. Especially when I think of the terrain from Memphis west.  

i assume time was a different factor than.  When you can only go a couple of miles per day and have to  travel over some of the terrain I have seen (without benefit of highways, GPS, cell phones etc.) I have to really wonder how they did it.  

I assume it was like a lot of challenges, if they had really realized what the cost was many of them may not have attempted it!  They had to travel by ship etc.  

Whenever I read history, I read how Benjamin Franklin, Teddy Roosevelt etc. traveled so much and spend years overseas etc.  I have to wonder, when did they have time to dod their work, wonderful inventions etc.!

I had an interesting meeting yesterday.  It was an organization whose goal is to make things better for employees.  It was interesting to watch and to participate in a very small way.  Speaking of facing challenges, they (or we) are definitely facing challenges in accomplishing even a small portion of our goals.

One of those activities where you rise each day, hoping to leave everything just a little better, even if it appears like you haven’t accomplished anything.  Sometimes no action (i.e. stopping a loss of benefits or whatever)  is a victory!

It was a nice drive back, it was interstate most of the way and traffic and weather was cooperative.  

I remember an odd experience at the “lodge” where we had our meeting.  Over 20 years ago (at least), I was sitting in the same meeting room.  

There were weather warnings etc., and the meeting was interrupted when we saw a large “waterspout” (a tornado over water) skipping over the lake.  It was a strange experience.  

I  went into the meeting room and instantly remembered that episode. I doubt if it is had been on land it would have been anything but a “dust devil”.  

We came back on a road that I was involved in designing (not the road itself, just the general route) years and years ago.  it was a funny feeling to remember the years of talking about it and now it is a fact of life for the people in this area.  

It problem has been there for about 5 years now, long enough to become part of the life of the people in this area.

It is kind of like when I return to the Topeka/Holton area, I think of that portion of HIghway 75 as the “new highway”, since it was being built when I was in the sixth grade.  Now it is an “old highway” or at least the only Highway 75 many people have even known!  

Actually portions of “old Highway 75” are still drivable and it really brings back memories when I drive the “old portion”. 

Several years ago I drove in the area after a rain, the the muddy roads were very tricky to navigate.  I really wonder how we did it when I was a kid.  The roads were literally still mud, and slick mud at that. 

Second day of the weekend, although when you travel the weekend doesn’t always seem like a weekend. 

That’s it for now, Sunday, August 28, 2016

Saturday, August 27, 2016

2016 Summer August 27 Saturday

2016 Summer August 27 Saturday

70 degrees this morning, no walk (at meeting).

Meeting today.  Drove up yesterday afternoon, good drive up. 

Only problem was in some little town almost at our destination, there was a horrible traffic tie-up due to an absentee train, meaning the barriers and lights would come down and then there wasn’t a train anywhere to be seen!

Occasionally it would come up for just a second than come back down again, almost like it was teasing everyone.  

Of course some motorists started driving thru the barriers.  Can’t say I blamed them.  

Actually my turn to drive through the barriers had just come up when the barriers lifted.  I can’t say what I would have done, but I expect peer pressure (and no train in sight) would have me driving through the barriers!  It was about the worst traffic tie-up in a small town I have ever seen.

Railroads are arrogant and like to boss others around and show their ability to not cooperate.  That is about the only reason I can see that they would create a traffic tie-up like that when it seems it would be easy to have an override that would prevent such situations.  

The meeting is at a “state lodge”, with a beautiful lake.  Just that lakes aren’t really my lifestyle so to speak.  Probably at least was partially built as a flood control measure.  

There are walking paths, horse stables, a golf course, etc., but since we drove up yesterday afternoon and are leaving as soon as the meeting is over today (with meeting activities right after we got here yesterday), we won’t have a lot of time to enjoy the amenities anyway.  The walking path might have been fun.  I’m not into horses at all, and haven’t tried to play golf for years.  I’m also don’t care for fishing, so we’re kind of like a fish out of water here so to speak!

As far as horses, I stay away from horses.  Many years ago, we rented some horses in “Garden of the Gods” in Colorado Springs.  I had a very “spirited” horse and was very nervous.  He (or she) actually turned around and “grinned” at me, obviously knowing exactly what it was doing!  I was very glad to get off and have never ridden (or gotten close to) a horse since!

At first I almost panicked when I thought they didn’t have wi fi, but I was able to piggyback off of the meeting room wifi.  Maybe the lack of wifi was deliberate, although it could be the wi fi is just called the meeting room wi fi.

Even then, without any wi fi, it would just have meant I only have phone and tablet cellular and it is actually fairly good service here.  However, I would have had  a difficult time without my laptop.    

I actually notice more and more that many people use their phone as  their “only” computer  (or internet connection) and don’t even use a computer or tablet.  They seem to get along fine with it, although i would feel pretty limited.  

A few years ago I was in an area without any phone service (for my carrier),but wi fi was available.  I can’t say which would make me feel more limited, probably no wi fi in my present life, back then, no phone service was probably more important.

I also have noticed that a lot of companies are using a iPad as a “sign in” device.  It automatically takes your picture and probably is backed up on a cloud server as a permanent record of who came in.  In today’s world, not a bad idea.  

I am hoping that the new “iPad Pro” upgrade will be a good one.  I have been diligently saving my  credit card “cash back” for either an iPad Pro or Apple Watch, or hopefully eventually both.  I thing the new iPad Pro upgrade will probably be more attractive to me this year  than an upgraded Apple Watch (as far as being useful), but I won’t know until I see the upgrades! 

That’s it for now, Saturday, August 27, 2016.  

Friday, August 26, 2016

2016 Summer August 26 Friday

2016 Summer August 26 Friday

71 degrees this morning, walk 36:26 minutes 

Cooler weather due to storms.  Most of the storms (lightning and thunder) are bypassing us although I could see the lightning in the distance when I walked this morning.  

If it had gotten any closer I would have stopped walking! 

Noted that I thought yesterday was “Friday” all day, and apparently I thought so in the morning also, since I apparently labeled the title as August 25, Friday.  May be a matter of expectations.  

Trying to decide if we should “refinance” our mortgage, even after the short time we have had it.  It really depends on the length of time we will stay at the house.  Right now, I don’t see us moving for the foreseeable future, or maybe I should say the unforeseeable future, since we never know what the future will bring.

Assuming the “refinancing fees” estimate is correct, it would be like getting an annuity after 3 years on the fees.  Not a large amount, but every little bit can always help.  In a way, the only way you can lose is if you move.  If the interest rates keep going down (not likely) you can refinance.  If they go up, your interest rates stay the  same.  

Looking around during our search to refinance, there are a lot of crooks out there. They might call it “business” but I all it thievery.   Somehow a promised 3.25% mortgage suddenly becomes 3.89 % etc!   At least they have to disclose their figures now.  

As I have mentioned before, I think the “ethics” courses so popular in the 80’s and 90’s (and maybe now, I don’t know)  just taught people how to be unethical more efficiently.   

I cannot believe that some of the drug companies are allowed to gouge sick people so brazenly and even brag about it.

Just as bad are some of the “private equity” and “hedge funds” who are no more than thieves.  

Of course, even worse are some of the “class action” law suits that are nothing more than extortion by attorneys and the court system.  As an example, a company  just sent me something about a “class action” law suit.  The attorneys were making over a million dollars.  Each “damaged” person got a year membership free (about $25).  And that is if you wanted to bother reading and following a bizarre list of instructions of how to claim it. I assume the attorneys get the unclaimed funds also.  Nothing but legal extortion!

I normally try to “opt out” of such class action lawsuits to avoid paying even a penny of the attorney fees they collect.  Or maybe the correct word is “extort”.

I can feel the end of summer in the air and as activities change.  School starting, baseball ending, football beginning etc.  

I have about decided I will need to get the book I am listening to on Tesla and read it, or at least read certain portions of it on his inventions.  I am amazed at some of his inventions.

I am not quite sure why I haven’t heard more about Tesla before this.  He is right up there with Edison etc. in his advanced inventions etc. He actually built a working prototype for each patent.  

I think it is like anything, it is a matter of promotion of the invention, and the ability to get funding to complete it etc.  Not necessarily bad, just a fact of life.  

Like now, many of the inventors at the time were funded by “backers” who I assume made their money back when the patents were sold or the invention was marketed.  

This is the last weekend before Labor Day weekend, traditionally the “end of Summer” at least as we know it. 

That’s it for now, Friday, August 26, 2016.

Thursday, August 25, 2016

2016 Summer August 25 Thursday

2016 Summer August 25 Thursday

78 degrees this morning, walk 36:21 minutes 

Rather strange that my walk this morning was almost 2 minutes more than yesterday.  I didn’t feel like I was walking any slower.

I am surprised by the some the history I learn from listening to the book on Tesla, especially about some of the early advances.   The inventors at the time easily compare with any inventors etc. a the current time, in all ways, including stealing each other’s ideas etc.  

However, their creative inventions are what surprised me.

I learned that the first basis for the television was actually in 1842 and many advances were made on in the 1890’s.  

I was also surprised to learn the X-Ray was basically perfected into an operational device in 1896 and was actually used (and probably overused as a crowd pleaser).  

Many of the advances were actually considered by the inventors of the time, they just didn’t have time to go over all of the inventive roads that opened up to them.  

In a way, the promotors were as important as the inventors, since the promotors are the ones who really popularized many of the inventions and realized their true potential.

Just opened a bottle of water and several drops feel on my computer keyboard.  I think one of the priorities should be a waterproof or at least a water resistant keyboard.  It is unbelievable that one hasn’t been perfected and sold by now, with all of other advances they bray about.  

It this is posted, it means it did not affect my keyboard, but I shouldn’t have to worry about literally a drop of water destroying my computer.  

Even since the coffee incident of about a year ago (I had to replace the entire insides of my computer) I have been very careful about water or liquid around my computer.  I don’t use glasses or water etc. even close to the computer, I forget about how they overfill the bottles of water and they splash out when you open them.  

That is one thing about a desktop, if you splash water on the keyboard,so what, but on a laptop kills the entire computer.

Bak to the book on Tesla, it seems that period (1880’s and 1890’s), a lot of major advances were made and many of the most important inventors were practicing.  

Many of their ideas (such as “instant” world-wide communication) are common today, although not as they envisioned them. 

Probably the  overwhelming need to utilize electricity was a major force and many of the other inventions (photograph, camera, wireless etc.)were offshoots in the drive to advance electricity, especially “wireless electricity” which actually still isn’t perfected, although it provided the basis for wireless communication (at least as I understand it.)

Wonderful weather to sit on the patio, although early morning is nice even when the weather  is hot since until the sun comes up it really isn’t that bad.  

I read an article recently about the joys (or whatever) of getting up at 4 a.m.. I actually get up a little easier, but I really agreed with the article that, if it is suitable for a person, it is wonderful.  If it isn’t suitable, forget it, it’s not worth it! 

Certainly there have been stages of my life when I wouldn’t have even thought about getting up when I do now, but nowI couldn’t imagine not doing so.

That’s it for now, Thursday, August 25, 2016.

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

2016 Summer August 24 Wednesday

2016 Summer August 24 Wednesday

81 degrees this morning, walk 34:25 minutes, very windy.

Summer is here again!  I was surprised at the temperature this morning, although it is also very windy, so it doesn’t feel as warm as it seems (at least now).

Surprised that I set a”record” in time on my walk this morning.  Maybe the wind pushed me! Actually normally I am slower in a high wind, so I was surprised. 

This is the first time I have even walked (this distance)  less than 35 minutes.  Although I don’t have a “tracker” I use when I walk, my “iPhone steps” are about the same, or even a little more than normal.

I have found trackers to be very unreliable as to the “actual” distance (including the iPhone).  Probably the most accurate tracker is one that uses GPS to measure the distance.  I am sure they are out there, but I don’t have one.

Actually, years ago (at least 10, maybe 15 years ago) I had one of the first GPS trackers.  It worked fine, just was hard to set up like many early items.  

Actually, my cell phone has several “apps” that can track me down to almost the exact address.  After the novelty wears off, I hardly look at it anymore, primarily because of time.  It is an excellent app, it just doesn’t felt my needs right now. Actually, I do look at it for work sometimes, so it is worth the time and effort to set it up.  

One of the more interesting apps I have is one that you can leave a “message” at that specific spot and other people will see the message and can leave their own message.  

Sounds great, but….. Somehow I just never get around to using it, too busy living life!

Samsung came out with a new iPhone, but I think “so what”.  If it doesn’t work in a year, it can have all the features in the world and it isn’t worth it.  More power to people who like them and find them useful.  Also, I can’t get the picture of Samsung  workers dying of cancer and an uncaring company out of my head.

Many companies I have found (such as Capital One) are so interested in “Marketing”, they completely lose sight of ethics and customer service.  All they can think of is making the next dollar off someone.  Almost as bad as the drug companies and them gouging sick people, except the drug companies area  lot worse since the sick people don’t have any alternative.

Soon I will have been working at my present job for two years.  The time has gone fast. It is certainly different from my previous career, but it has a lot of similarities also.  Unfortunately pay isn’t one of them, but very little bit helps and at least I keep busy and really enjoy it.  

As they say the “benefits are great”, although that hardly makes up for the pay, especially when you see money continued to be shoveled to the “fat cats” and the “good ole boys and girls” who are their buddies and contribute large sums, while education and public services continue to be cut back.

Makes you feel a little sick to live in this state.  

We bought some “hot shot” that is supposed to curtail cramping.  Of course, as soon as we got it, we haven’t had any cramps.  

I actually had some cramps last night, but it was from the way I sit at meetings, not exercise.  I’m not sure it if will work for that.  (I have a tendency to curl by legs back, which can give me some hellacious cramps.)  I thought riding the bicycle might cause me to cramp but it hasn’t yet.  

In the world of price gouging, the local AAA baseball team increased their tickets by about 30%, so we may well not purchase any more.  On top of that they have the gall to charge $8.00 for “shipping and handling” after increasing prices (for partial season tickets) by 30%!

I think they lost interest in the true fan, they just want the businesses who can write off the cost and don’t care.  That is what they will get.  

That’s it for now, Wednesday, August 24, 2016.  

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

2016 Summer August 23 Tuesday

2016 Summer August 23 Tuesday

75 degrees this morning, walk 35:32 minutes (estimate, forgot to turn off stop watch)

Wonderful weather this morning. Somewhere between 64 degrees and 75 degrees, it tips from being “nice” to “too cool”.  Probably the exact temperature depends on the wind and other factors also, but 68 degrees is probably around the point that it moves from “nice” to “too cool”.  Of course, here the wind plays a major role.

Learned from the book on Tesla that FM radio travels through the air and AM radio passes through the ground.  I haven’t confirmed that elsewhere, but I  assume it is true.  I never knew that or even really thought about it.

They gave as proof that if you go through a tunnel, FM continues, but AM doesn’t.  (or maybe it is the other way around.)

Actually, it is somewhat academic to me, since I never listen to AM or FM stations, or at least very rarely.

I got so tired of the “talking heads”, even on “music” shows on radio, so I just quit listening.  I didn’t mind the advertisements, I just got tired on the endless garbage talk, and in some cases just flat putrid talk that they apparently did to try to get attention.  In a way they did, I heard it and quit listening.

Actually even XM has some of it, but at least they have enough channels that I don’t have to listen to it  I really wander why a dj would think I wanted to hear their opinion instead of music.  

I’ll never understand the many “sports talk” radio stations, or even the “news talk”, but apparently there is a market for it.  I don’t have anything against it as such, I just don’t understand anyone liking it.  I’m sure there are many activities I do that people also don’t understand!

By the way, that isn’t a consequence of “age”, I hated talk on radio when I was a teenager and have all my life.  I remember how happy I was to buy my first car cassette tape player so I wouldn’t have to listen to radio (or silence) when I drove.

Actually there were a few (very few) dj’s who talked a lot that I listened to occasionally.  However, they did mainly play music. One was in Tulsa (I think John Evring  or something like that) years ago, and the other was Oklahoma City “Dave and Dan” I occasionally listened to years and years ago.  (Like back in the nineties).  

I remember complaining to XM radio one time about talking on XM and they said something like “drivers want to feel like they have a friend talking to them”.  Spare me.  

It is nice to sit out on the patio again in the early morning.  Due to a light rain Saturday, and the cold Sunday and Monday I missed it.  Of course, there is probably only about another month for this season.

It may well have cooled down for the year, at least from the temperatures we were having.  I expect there will be a few hot days, but probably the hot weather is over.

I am participating in the local program on getting familiar with the local Police Department.  I am so unused to sitting for three hours in a classroom environment I hope I can stand it.  I’m not really sure why I am doing it, but it sounded interesting.  It does not involve actually participating in anything, just in getting familiar with what they do and how they do it.  Anyway, I”ll find out more about it tonight.  

Office day today.  I enjoy both the office and field days and am glad I have a job with some variety and independent work.

That’s it for now, Tuesday, August 23, 2016.