Sunday, May 08, 2016

2016 Spring May 8 Sunday

65 degrees this morning.  No walk this morning.  Almost did, but decided to wait at least one more day.  I didn’t  want to take any chances or losing any ground.  

Actually, I have been looking at steps I can take to be more proactive, or maybe preventive is a better word.

Of course, all of the recommendations start with “lose weight”. If not at the top of the list, it is near the top.   From experience I know that while exercise is important for a lot of things, it won’t help you lose weight without also controlling what you eat.  

While I am amazed at the information available on the internet, I am also dismayed by the amount of misinformation, information oriented towards selling only and absolutely lies.  Sometimes it is hard to sort it out.  

Speaking of how small amounts add up, my “saving” for an Apple Watch and/or and IPad Pro by using “cashback” on a credit card, while slow, adds up each month.  

Of course, based on my early lessons in purchasing electronics and especially Apple products, I am not purchasing anything in the middle of a cycle, so it will be awhile.  

I think the Apple Watch will surely be updated in the near future and I think the “big” IPad Pro will be upgraded this fall.  

I have ambivalent feelings about the iWatch.  I already have some nice watches and I don’t plan on wearing two!  However, it does appear to have some features that will be nice to have.  

On the other hand, I can see a lot of uses for the iPad Pro.  I did test out the “pencil” on the iPad Pro and was impressed by it’s quality.   The smaller IPad Pro is he same, or maybe a little better, since it just came out and has some improvements the original iPad Pro didn’t have.  

Anyway, it is adding up, a little bit each month, but it adds up.  

Thinking about this because my iPhone ran out of memory last night when I tried to take a picture. I was shocked to say the least, since I have 64 Gig of memory.  One thing I really dislike about Apple is the small memory they put in their products when memory is so cheap.  

Of course, photos are  one of the main memory users, and my “magazine app”  (Texture) was the next. 

The rest of it was, as I have been noting, a number of small items that end up actually being a lot!

A second dream yesterday morning.  My subconscious has been active!

5-7-16:  Second Dream

Dreamed was in a Library on a beach, or it appeared staying at a beach on a library on a beach. Didn’t really remind me of any location I have known.  

The Library really had 3 huge buildings of books etc., with a workout area in front, on the beach in the open air.  

I went out to the Library,which, oddly enough, had a lot of workout machines.

Although I left in shorts, a shirt and scandals, I came back with just a towel wrapped around me.

I remember seeing a “self generating” bicycle, that generates it’s own electricity>   

(As an aside, I have been wondering about why exercise bicycles etc. aren’t designed so electricity is generated for the building etc.)

Everything was definitely on the beach. 

When I got back to our room, I asked Aliene about getting why I came back only in a towel and where my stuff was.  I got a call telling me my stuff was available to be picked up, to call an 800 number first?

Dream didn’t make a lot of sense, but then it was a dream.   

That’s it for now, Sunday, May 8, 2016      

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