64 degrees this morning, Walk 34:45 minutes
I never liked the idea of “term limits”, I felt like the people ought to be able to elect whomever they wanted (and they do, sometimes to their determent).
We now have the “fruits” of term limits in Kansas and this state.
Gutless state legislatures and elected officials who only think of pandering to the lowest common dominator and shoveling money to their fat cat friends and supporters while they “save” money by cutting benefits of the persons who can afford it least and put the screws to state employees, while also providing themselves with fat salaries and benefits.
They have no sense of the future, it is akin to what I see at conferences, where people who are there only one or so times go around grabbing candy, food and “freebies” and have no sense of why they are there.
As a general rule (and of course there are exceptions), they have no feeling of “Statesmanship”, only grabbing what you can while there with no sense of building for the future.
i think term limits is why you see elected officials passing laws that they know are unconstitutional and then using public money to “defend” the unconstitutional laws (knowing they are going to lose) with public money trying to “show something” (I don’t know what) to their contributors.
Why don’t they use their own money if they feel so strong about it?
At least thank goodness we still live in a free society where I can state my feelings, not that it will really do any good.
I just feel at some time, the “worm will turn” and these greedy and gutless “elected officials” will be defeated and we will get some decent elected officials who are really for the “good of the state” and not just see it as a chance to ravage the state financially while enriching their friends and supporters and themselves.
As I mentioned, while there are exceptions, they are obviously in a minority right now.
Still don’t know what is causing my cough, although I know a lot more than I used too. Right now, I’m not coughing (a good chance to increase my D3). Somehow it seems to be related to air conditioning, but I really don’t know.
Having something like this makes you a lot more emphatic to people who are chronically sick. That may not be the right word, since I”ve always felt emphatic, but maybe I should say I”ve walked a very few light steps in their shoes.
Not that I have any any idea what it is like, but it is like a shadow looming over you that is a lot larger and more prevalent than it used to be, although it is still a shadow that hopefully will recede.
Another weekend is here. Somehow time flies. I am glad the weekend is here, although I enjoy working also.
The weekend is a nice break from the week of work.
I have a hard time believing that next week will be Memorial Day, the traditional “start of Summer”. I always remember Memorial Day because when I was a child, we’d go to Soldier, Kansas, where, then, and even today, an amazing group of people provide a lunch and maintain an excellent park and community center. (It is also available throughout the year for events and gatherings). There is a town/community that has it together!
That’s it for now, Saturday, May 21, 2016.
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