57 degrees this morning, walk 33.40 minutes.
Felt cool out on my walk this morning, with the wind increasing the coldness.
Listening to War and Peace, a book I was always going to read when I “got a round tu it’.
I’m still not reading it, but I am listening to it .
I can understand why it is considered one of the greatest novels, at least in that category.
Even though I can’t always remember all of the characters, I am really enjoying listening to the book. Actually, while I may not be able to keep all of the characters straight, the flow of the book is excellent, so I usually maintain the general drift.
The battle scenes remind me a little of the “Red Badge of Courage” although (at least thus far) it is from a different perspective.
I probably had the book in my “Audio Library” for several years, but at the pace I listen to audio books (just during my walk), it takes me a while to get through my audio library.
That doesn’t count the audio books Aliene and I listen too, which is different, since we listen whenever we are in the car. In that case, it depends on how much we are driving.
I never really thought I would enjoy listening to Audio books, but I actually really enjoy it. I expectI lose a little sometimes to do my mind wondering, but overall, I probably retain about the same as reading .
I am surprised at how much I retain from Audio Books. As far as novels etc., they can certainly make the time go faster when we are traveling long distances.
On another subject, sometimes I wonder what it is like (I really don’t want to know how it feels and I probably won’t need to worry about it) to be playing sports when you make a mistake and 100,000 people (or 40, 000, or 20,000 or even 50 people) cheer your mistake!
I assume you get use to it, and it may be offset by the cheering (at least at “home”) when you do something good!
I know more about my coughing now, and I am busy looking up on the internet about possibly why my cough etc won’t go away for good. I am seeing a specialist so hopefully that will resolve the problem. It has a more technical name, but it is basically lung inflammation.
At least now that I know what is causing the problem and can do something about it.
“Field Day” in the small City where I am temporarily working. I enjoy working there, it i a different atmosphere.
It is hard to explain.
I was taking a break at the local McDonalds enjoying my coffee and breakfast parfait (Thank you McDonalds for the extended breakfast) when I was approached by a customer who asked if I was the owner, that I looked like the owner.
Of course, I told her no, but I wish I was! Of course, that isn’t really true, the last thing I would like to do is own a restaurant, I just wishI had the money it takes to own one.
To me a restaurant would be difficult, you are only as good as your current meal, plus all the possible health problems possible in a restaurant.
That’s it for today, Saturday, May 14, 2016.
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