Saturday, May 28, 2016

2016 Spring May 28 Saturday

2016 Spring May 28 Saturday

65 degrees this morning, walked 36:39 minutes 

Purchased a new pair of walking shoes yesterday, Brooks Glycerin 14, which are a brand new edition, actually released in June of 2016, a pretty good trick, since it is only May of 2016!

Of course, I didn’t know all of that when I purchased them.  I just know they fit good and even better than my current Brooks (probably a Glycerin 12, I’ll have to check.  

I purchased them with a credit card that “guarantees” you the lowest price.  When I started checking I found out I basically already had the best price because they are a brand new model.

I buy my walking shoes etc. at “Elite Feet” which actually caters to runners etc., but they are very good.  My foot doctor actually sent me to them and I haven’t had to go back to him since I haven’t had any foot problems since!  

A lot cheaper than Doctor bills, or worse yet, what I was facing, surgery and about a month off of my feet.  

Absolutely no problems since i bought my walking shoes here, so they have a customer for life!  

Shoes, especially running shoes, apparently have new models on a regular basis, just like cars, mobil  phones etc.   

I don’t buy Nike or any of the big advertisers.  When one of them gave $90,000,000 to an 18 year old kid to wear their shoes, I decided I didn’t need to buy their shoes! If they have to advertise that badly, maybe it says something.

On the other hand, a lot of persons love them and I guess they figure the more they advertise the more they sell. 

Basically, it is just a personal decision I made.  I don’t drink Coke or Pepsi etc., although for different reasons than the fact they spend so much on advertising.  

I also ordered good (I hope, if expensive equals good!) scandals.  I love to wear scandals during the summer and I have such a hard time finding a pair that will last and be comfortable.  

The scandals with the “cushion” aren’t comfortable long because once they get wet, (even if your feet sweat just a little bit) flatten out and get uncomfortable.  The rubber ones that are waterproof are too hot and slick.

I do have one pair with  “knobbed” foot cushion that I love, and that have lasted a long time, but I can’t find another pair like them and I know they won’t last forever.  

Especially with me having an “office day” two or three times a week (where I normally wear scandals and shorts during the summer since I work in an office in my house), I will need a comfortable pair of scandals.  

One thing about aging, you need fewer clothes and other things.  Clothes and other items last so long, they don’t wear out, if at all, very fast, although you may decide to replace them for other reasons.

I’m not sure when I will start  wearing my new shoes, probably pretty soon.  

Sometimes it takes me awhile to start using something new. Not sure why, it isn’t unusual for something to sit in the box for several weeks while I ponder putting them into use.  I have a new Keurig, that has set in the box for two weeks, I’m sure I’ll suddenly decide to set it up,maybe  this weekend.

The new Keurig has a lot bigger reservoir, some settings to hopefully make the coffee hotter and I can use my own coffee!   

My favorite coffees are actually McDonalds and Starbucks.  McDonalds actually has the only coffee cup I even dare to attempt to use in a car and I really like their coffee.

They are usually very good about making fresh coffee if it is old, which is nice.  I have almost quit drinking coffee at night (or rather, at supper when we eat out), since you really can’t get a good cup of coffee very often and $2.50 or $3.00 for a cold cup of old coffee doesn’t make a lot of sense.

That’s it for now, Saturday, May 28, 2016

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