73 degrees this morning walk 33:57 minutes
Temperature was a wide range this morning, depending on which weather service you looked at. 73 was probably a little high, maybe the 70 or even the 67 was more like it, but I always use the temperature on the one weather app, so to be consistent, I’ll use it.
The house has really helped my exercise, because my boxing “heavy bag” and my punching bag fit, as does my weight benches.
I am trying to walk in the morning, then do my weights, then later in the day I ride my bike and exercise on the heavy bag and punching bag.
Still getting back into riding the bike, I have been riding in the neighborhood (which is fairly small,) so I do a lot of laps even for my short ride!. Today I am going to take it out on a longer ride.
A lot of people walk and ride around here, so at least the traffic is used to it.
When we moved up here, someone from the moving company either stole or lost (same thing in the end), by beloved power air compressor that I used to air up my bike tires. It was a basic, simple air compressor that, I think, cost me $29. I used it for years and planned on literally using it for the rest of my life.
Of course, I can’t find a decent one to replace it, even at a much higher price. They include so many gimmicks that they don’t work.
Right now I am using a manual air pump, which can be ok, but….figuring out how much time I spend on the manual pump, an air compressor is well worth it.
I don’t like the idea of riding with low air in my tires (first of all, it makes it much harder, evan a few pounds)!
I am gradually increasing the “weights” I am using. I have been using 20 lb barbells for years. Of course I don’t have any 25 lb , just 30 lb, so I will need to buy some 25 lb barbells.The jump to 30 lbs is just too much.
I am also increasing my “bench press” weights. I had been using “just the bar” (which is 45 lbs) and now am up to 70 lbs, which of course is embarrassing to admit. However, I will gradually increase, and I really am looking to “tone” rather than “bulk”, so more repetitions are better.
Of course, the more reps, the more time it takes, and here we go again!
One aspect of weight lifting I really like is that muscle burns about 50 calories more per day than fat, so if I convert 10 lbs to muscle, I automatically burn 500 more calories per day.
Or I can eat 500 more calories per day, depending on how you look at it. (I look at it as freedom to eat 500 more calories!) Of course, I have no idea of whether I have muscle or fat, so I can’t automatically eat 500 more calories per day.
Now I need resume swimming and the machines at the YMCA. Probably will start a “every other day” routine or something like that so I have variety. My walk and weights will be every day, but I could vary my routine some if I idon’thave the time.
Or even more likely, I will ride my bike to the Y (about 1.4 mlles), swim etc. and then ride back.
Even being semi-retired (that is only working 40 hours per week), it is difficult to find the time to do everything.
One thing I like about the “heavy bag”, it really can help you get rid of anger, etc. evan though I rarely get that angry.
I’ll go into that another day.
That’s it for now, Sunday, May 29, 2016
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