Sunday, December 27, 2015

Winter 2015 December 27 Sunday

33 degrees this morning, no walk, heavy rains, head cold, cough etc.

Heavy rains yesterday with ice expected later today, snow Monday.  

One weather person on tv even said it will be “one of the more significant storms of your lifetime”, which is saying a lot!  

A weather person, about a week before Katrina in New Orleans  told me (privately) that it was gong to the “the hurricane disaster of the century”.  Although it will take another 85 years to prove him right, I expect he was correct, considering the loss of life and damage and the after effects.  

We are right on the line-it will either be a blizzard of snow or just some light snow.  In any event, we are preparing for no electricity tomorrow.

I still have my automatic reaction to a storm to start worrying about roads being cleared etc. and then I realize i don’t have to worry about that anymore.  In fact, since my office is in my house, I don’t even need to worry about getting to work (unless I don’t have any electricity, etc.).

Feeling a lot better, but still have a cough and head cold.  I really wonder how long this will continue  Actually, I think I will be ok in a day or two although I’m not sure when I will be able to start exercising again, even when the weather allows.  

I have been testing the little $50 “Fire” from Amazon.  As I noted previously, it is primarily a marketing tool for Amazon, although it has some reasonably good sides, primarily if you break it you aren’t losing much.  

I am reading a book on it I got from “Bookbud” for free or for .99 on it.  Both aren’t bad, but I wonder about worrying about the difference in price for something your will use for at least several years, if the difference is price really is worth it for the extreme limitations which almost appear to be deliberate.  

On the other hand, if I don’t expect it be be my primary iPad but realize it’s extreme limitations for the low price (and the fact if I break it or whatever it isn’t a big deal), it is good as an additional device for use in limited situations (and it you want to order from Amazon.)

If I didn’t already have so many “repurposed” iPhones, it would make a good audiobook player for the car etc. since you wouldn’t have to worry about damaging it.  

I think it goes back to the concept of what you really want, if I want the best or if it isn’t that important and the limitations aren't a concern.  In this case, I still want the best and this is cheap enough and has enough value in the fact that it doesn’t have much value (if that makes any sense) it is worth it to me to have something in some places that it may be damaged or lost that it is worth it.  

In the case of the iPhone, I only need one (well, actually two, one for work and one for personal) so it won’t make any sense to buy a cheap one, unless it was a long term prepaid that you had for emergencies and I don’t need that.  

Another dream yesterday.  I am amazed that even when I write a dream down, I forget it later in the day, although reading about the dream brings it right back.

Dream 2 26 15

Dream we had met some old friends and we were out to eat.  

We went into a restaurant where we dined a lot (although didn’t recognize it) but they were about to close and didn’t have any coffee or anyone else eating there so we walked back out in the lobby and sat on the sofa.  

For some reason there were some blankets and everyone put blankets on them.

Our friends had some kind of device (don’t know what it was) and the batteries went out.

The Server came out and said she could take our order and also replace the batteries.

She checked on the price of the batteries and gave the price to Aliene. It was for 4 “C or D cell” batteries and for some reason 2 extra batteries.  

Aliene looked at me in shock and first said it was $1,000 and, then, no $5000 for 6 batteries.  

The dream ended then (than goodness).  Not sure what that dream was all about.  

The friends were friends we meet in various places over the years.  Earlier in the day I had met someone at the gas station who said he had forgotten batteries and had to get batteries on Christmas Day and they were expensive.

Or  it may have concerned the cost of Christmas lunch at a restaurant.  Maybe all three!

Hopefully I will have electricity and internet connectively to post tomorrow!  Hope everyone is safe!

That’s it for now, Sunday, December 27, 2015.

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