Friday, December 25, 2015

Winter 2015 December 25 Friday

Christmas 2015

33 degrees this morning, 27 degrees WC, no walk.  Still have head cold and significant cough.

Certainly the best Christmas Present I will receive this year will be the end of my Acute Bronchitis and cough.  I feel a lot better, but not as good as I hoped or hope to feel!  

I am still at least several days away from being able to take a walk wise.

A major winter storm is coming in.  Of course, they have been predicting it for about a week, it is amazing how weather predictions have changed. 

We still can’t do anything about the weather, but we can predict it a lot better.  At least by predicting it we can prepare for it!  

Of course weather predictions are wrong just enough that we don’t quite believe bad weather is actually going to happen! 

We had a great Christmas Eve, some nice gatherings.

We heard some amazing stories about the power of “Therapy Dogs”.  While I was  vaguely aware of them, I didn’t realize Therapy Dogs were so prevalent and such a powerful force in the care of the ill people.  

While I don’t have a dog now and probably never will again, I can remember when we had a dog years ago, it was easy to talk to your dog and feel like it understood!  Much more so than a cat.  

Noted a dream yesterday, which I will include here.  I don’t know if dreams mean anything, but I like to try to remember them. 

12 24 15 Dream:  Dream that Aliene and I went to an event.  I can’t remember what event now, except it was something we ordinarily go to.

Someone I used to know was sitting two persons down from me and recognized me and starting talking to me.  I liked talking to him except he got his fact close and had bad breath.  

Later,I was with Angela, or maybe Kali, in a big old hotel, which was mostly vacant.  

I was with either Kali or Angela and she kept taking off and I suddenly find her or would see her peering over dangerous heights etc. and she would suddenly disappear.  

One was a huge area that looked like an indoor golf course

As the dream ended we were outside and Angele/Kali was playing with some toys, one a big toy car and one a toy John Deere tractor for a child to ride  with a ruined rear tire.

We were on the street in a bad neighborhood.  I asked her where she got them.  

Somehow we meant a group of people, basically rough looking older man, but with children.  They had a lot of items..

I gave them something that I couldn’t use anymore (I can’t remember what).  Angela/Kali was with me.

I asked them to give it back if they didn’t use it, but I noticed they didn’t ask for my phone number to call me if they didn’t use it.

They nodded, but didn’t write my number down.

We were trying to figure how to get out when the dream ended.   

I kind of assume my dream had something to do with Angela/Kali growing up and the dangers of growing up and how I wouldn’t be around/couldn’t protect them from it, but it could have other meanings or mean nothing.  

While driving after the dream, I remembered a part that included me stopping or slowing for a person and suddenly several young children were in front of the car and I thought “thank goodness I slowed down”.  That’s all I remember of it. 

That’s it for now, Christmas Day, Friday, December 25, 2015.

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