Thursday, December 10, 2015

Fall 2015 December 10 Thursday

51 degrees this morning, walk 38:21 minutes

Certainly was a cool 51 degrees!  Again, I guess my expectations are by now that 51 degrees should be considered “warmer”, so it caught me by surprise as to how cold it seemed.

In a way, it is self-fulfilling, since I dress for warmer weather and am therefore cooler!  Or something like that.

I recently looked at light fixtures, hoping the web site would have information on the simple task (I thought) of changing  light bulb.(silly me, thinking that something like changing a light bulb should  be simple!)

That was several weeks ago.  Even since I have been stalked and had advertisements for light fixtures shoved at me!  Talk about a waste of money and time, and waste of technology for that matter.  

Amazon is the worst which is why I hate to even look at anything on the Amazon web page. I will be receiving all kinds of information I don’t want for months even if I accidentally click on a page.  

I wonder if the advertisers really think they are getting their money’s worth?  It is a joke.

Anyway, the other day I looked for bicycles with “assisted pedaling”  (meaning I think, not electric, but having an electric motor that will let you pedal like normal, but will provide “assistance” on hills etc.  Of course, now I am being stalked by ads for bicycles.  

For months, I had a horrible caricature of Stephen Hawkins trying to sell me something,  I never knew what, continuously shoved at me.

Anyway, now I am going to concentrate on the steps necessary to reset my privacy settings to stop this harassment!  

I have just ignored it, but it is really getting totally out of hand, and if I can stop it I will.  

Of course, what is worse is the spam e-mail from Amazon wasting my time to have to delete the spam e-mail saying I may “like to buy” something because I happened to look at something or what I thought of the packaging or answer some kind of question.  

A little may be fun, but the spam marketing e-mails have gotten so bad they are basically just harassment.  

On a different note, I am sorry to hear that Starlin Castro is leaving the Chicago Cubs, being traded to New York.  Last season, it was obvious the Cubs Manager didn’t like him and he would be gone.  We thought he was one of the more exciting players to watch and are sorry to see him leave the Cubs.  

Of course, we don’t have to pay his 7 year $60 million dollar salary either.  

We actually may have seen him play as a minor league (with the Iowa Cubs versus the Memphis Redbirds), but don’t remember.  His name was in the program, but he may be been called up by then.

Field day today, the first day after Thanksgiving when I will have to contend with the holiday shoppers in the mall.  I have been “in the field” but not at the mall.  Parking will probably be the first problem!

No, I still haven't figured out how to change the light bulb.  

That’s it for now, Thursday, December 10, 2015.


ron said...

cool said...

Hello, the morning proved to be astoundingly fruitful for thoughts, didn't it?) I agree with you on account of Castro - we will lack him very much! Thanks for the post!