Thursday, December 17, 2015

Fall 2015 December 17 Thursday

27 degrees this morning, Walk 38:52 minutes

Trying to concentrate on breathing through my nose during my exercise etc.  Actually, swimming, weights and situps are relatively easy since there is a rhythm to it, in that I can develop an inhale/outhale pattern.

Breathing through my nose while walking or bicycling is a different story. 
I noted that my default is to breath through my mouth, which could be the reason for sore throats etc.  I am really concentrating on beating through y nose while walking and cycling, but it is something I have to continually concern on.  

I noted that the mouth sweater I wear (I never can remember what it is actually called) is an easy way to determine if I have been breathing through my mouth or not.  

I am not sure, but I think if I start breathing through my mouth, my lifelong problem with “exercise induced asthma” may be resolved.  Since it is a lot worse in cold weather, I figure the cold air directly to my lungs (rather than be filtered through my note equipment) may be one problem.

Anyway, I’ll keep working on it.  I really had no idea I breathed trough m mouth so much.

Started listening to the “Country Music Christmas” on Sirius radio (sometimes, I still am a passionate fan of CNBC) and realized I really enjoyed hearing Christmas music from some of my favorite performers.  However I also enjoy the standard Christmas music.

It seems I look forward to the opportunity to listen to Christmas music, and then Christmas is here and gone before I know i!

Apple called and my Mac Air was back.  I was very surprised at how fast they were.  Now the hassle of “restoring” everything!

I think the ten year old iMac has completed it’s task.  It  has developed a loud noise, which I expect is the power supply, but it is hardly worth while fixing it up.

When you think about it, a computer, car etc. doesn’t “retire” as such, it’s only “retirement” is basically a junk yard or to be taken apart and used for are parts.  

I am experimenting with my sleep patterns.  I used to take a 28 minute nap in the morning (or shorter) after my walk.  

That has gradually crept up to 40 minutes, since I don’t get the paper until late.  However I was waking up groggy, apparently from sleeping too long.

Anyway, I decided to experiment, I am making a 28 minute nap after my morning walk.  Then I eat breakfast and take another nap after I eat (normally about 15 minutes, but it varies.) until right before I start work.  

That schedule seems to work better and makes me a lot less groggy and ready to start work.

I kind of did this when I had to work in an office.  I’d get there about 20 minutes ahead of time and then taking a 12-15 minute nap in the car before starting work.  

“Field Day” yesterday, with the normal number of “first times”.  People are always interesting!  

That’s it for now, Thursday, December 17, 1215

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