Sunday, December 06, 2015

Fall 2015 December 6 Sunday

40 degrees this morning, Walk 39:27 minutes

Birthday party yesterday for a three year old.  It was fun to watch him (and another child about 1 1/2 years old) have fun, as well as most of the adults.  It was interesting to watch the reaction to the gifts and how he gradually worked his way through become familiar with each give.   

The cycle of life continues. 

Continue to listen to the biography of Woodrow Wilson. He is now at the point where he is Governor of New Jersey.  

He advised them he “wasn’t running”, but he would “accept the nomination if offered!  They used to really do things different!                                      

I think one thing that is really emphasized by history is the influence of money on politics.  In some cases, in the book, it describes how some politicians were “owned” by the persons providing the money since they had become so dependent on them for their financial basis.  

I really see the same thing happening today, as persons with basically unlimited money and the desire to “buy” politicians now have even more influence with the influence of persons with almost unlimited money decide they want to “buy” a certain political viewpoint, or want government contracts or whatever.  

It just leads to corruption and the the pollution of true democracy, as extremists with a single issue (usually trying to force everyone else to know tow to their personal beliefs) get elected to office.  

I really  think term limits are wrong and are a corruption of democracy  People should be allowed to elect anyone they want into office, and the “term limits” emphasizes short term thinking  

I am always amazed at the politicians who say they want to “return the money to the people”, and then give the big tax breaks to the rich persons and businesses, who roads go unprepared, employees are paid much less than comparable private business etc. and then the politicians who have created the problem crow about “government inefficiency”.  

I think that gets back to a “Vision” of what government (or any organization) can provide if they have the capacity to look the the big picture and the long  term benefits instead of the short term. 

I am going to have to start writing down my dreams again.  I have bee having dreams, it is just by the time I seem to have been forgotten them fast, which is why I need to start writing them down right after I wake up.  It seems as I start to write, I  remember more,, eve what I wrote.

Sometimes the dreams are directly related to something  going on, other times they don’t seem to have any relationship to anything.  

Overall, I like the Keurig.  I would like it better if it got the coffee hotter, but it does ok, plus I may just put it in the microwave from the very first.  What really surprises me is the cost of the pods.  Depending where you buy them, there is a major variation in price. 

 I plan on using the “reusable” pod where you just put in your ground coffee and reuse the pod.  right now, I have a number of pods I will use until the house is  either sold or isn’t sold, since  using ground coffee can create a  mess.

Thats it for now, Sunday, December 6, 2015.

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