Friday, October 09, 2015

Fall 2015 October 9 Friday

63 degrees this morning, 39:22 minute walk

Got one of those messages on my phone that it was going to rain during my walk time, but fortunately it was incorrect. Don’t know if that was why I was slower than usual, or if I was just slower than usual!

Field Day yesterday was busy.  As usually seems to happen I ran into a new situation I hadn’t  encountered before and then immediately the same situation!  It is rather weird how often that happens.

The trees haven’t really started to “turn” yet, although there is a little evidence here and there.  I remembered mid-October as the time when the leaves turned in earnest and usually some cold rain would come along and finish the leaves for the season. 

It could be I was    wrong, or it could more likely be here is no normal and when it happens, it happens.  

Along “turning leaves” are pretty (in a way), it also forecasts the coming of winter.  Also, trees absorb noise, so it tends to get louder.   Right the street noise isn’t bad or even really noticeable ,although it is worse then I expected, since we are not close to a really busy street.  We are close to a couple of the old “square mile” streets, but they aren’t really all that busy.

Of course, in this city, who knows what they will allow to be built  Residential neighborhoods seem to be fair game for any sign or commercial business company with the right connections.  

Planning here is so horrible, I am really surprised there isn’t more comments about it.  Everyone is worried about things they can’t really do anything about instead of something they could do something about if they made enough noise.  

Right now, I am the lone voice in the wilderness, so to speak, but maybe I can get the voices to increase and get a lot louder about allowing huge video signs in back yards, not buffering commercial from residential etc.  

Apparently that is ingrained in “the system” here, so it may be impossible to change.

Another dream to report:

10 8 15 Dream

(During post exercise nap)

Dreamed I was in a Downtown Hotel, not sure what City, probably a combination of Denver and Kansas City, Denver as I knew it when I want out there to work for the summers I went to college (Major changes in Denver since, to say the least!I)

I’m not sure what I was doing there, but I checked into a big downtown hotel.  I was driving (don’ know what car) and parked in an underground parking lot.

Went to my room.  

Later dreamed I was walking downtown, down a hill apparently back to the hotel. I was watching street life and started marching and counting “kill 2 3 4” (remember this was a dream) to keep people away from me.

Apparently it worked, no one bothered me.

Later I drove someplace and all the parking lots were empty.  Not sure where I went.  On way back, I noticed the parking lots were still empty, but they were also blocked off with “fences” of long white cloth.

On my way out I noticed some people in a swimming pool built kind of like a livestock  tank.  They were swimming and hooting and yelling.

I drove into the street and the car died.  I was pushing it and noticing there was no traffic, although it was a six lane street..  

As I approached the hotel I woke up.  

Dream was in kind of like night time to early dawn.  Didn’t recognize anyone else in the ream, didn’t talk to anyone except the street people and I ignored them.  No real recollection of interacting with anyone in the hotel etc.

That’s it for now, Friday, October 9, 2015.

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