Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Fall 2015 October 27 Tuesday

56 degrees this morning, walk 38:07 minutes

At Toastmasters last night, one of the speakers quoted Nikola Tesla, in 1926, as saying (in the future)

 “We will be able to communicate with one another instantly, irrespective of distance.  Not only that, but through television and telephony we shall see and hear one another as perfectly as if we were face to facc, despite intervening distances of thousands of miles, and the instruments through which we shall be able to do this will fit in our vest pockets”.  

Actually, I just did a search to see if this has been debunked, and it is actually in a Popular Mechanics article in 1909 when he predicted the cell phone!  (The article is available on the internet.)

He further products that electricity will be transmitted without wires, something that isn’t yet possible, at least over long distances.  

Turned off the irrigation this morning, probably for the last time this Fall, until I turn it on in the Spring.  

I really wish there was a better way to maintain the lawn than to waste a lot of water on maintaining it artificially green.  I always disagreed with the requirement for “landscaping’ that was artificial and requires a lot of water (unless there is a way to  reuse water).  

Our current residential wastes an unbelievable amount of water on motioning plants and flowers that aren’t meant to grow in this area.  

This is the time of year when it is so hard to decide how to dress when I exercise.  Anything either seems too much or too little! 

I think the rule of “if you are too cool when you start you are probably dressed right”.  If I am comfortable when I start, even though I just walk, I will be sweating by the time I finish.  

Still a full moon out, or at least close too it.  It is always a little spooky to see the full moon slide behind the clouds.

In spite of my comments yesterday about quality, I am amazed by the high quality of most things today.  I have shirts and slacks that I have had for years (dating back 30 years or more in some cases) that show no wear. 

While I complain about the car, it is a sign of quality that cars last for 200,000 miles or more.  I remember when 60,000 miles was considered the life of the car, not 60,000 miles is nothing,l and most people (except for dealers when you try to trade it in) don’t even blink at 100,000 miles. 

Ditto with tv’s, computers, phones etc. and many other items. 

Listening more to “Wlld” on my morning walk.  Actually, for at least the first part of the book (about 2 hours or about 15% of the book), she hardly mentions the walk, instead she goes into the death of her mother, her martial problems etc.  

Strangely enough, it works, as it seems natural that she would explain in detail the basis for such as decision to take on such a project.  I don’t quite know how they could make a movie of it and do the book justice, but then I have thought that about a lot of books.  

I continue to basically walk, swim and bike, if not all there every day, at least on a regular basis.  While it is difficult to find a safe  area to bicycle in this area (without traveling a long distance, which doesn't really make a lot of sense), I hope to train well enough that I can ride in the milt-day “Free Wheel” bike ride.  Of course this is to train me for  my “ride with the summer”.  

I just checked on Google/Maps and it would take about 109 hours to bike the 1332 miles from Houston, Texas to Fargo, ND.  That is actually doable.  

That’s it for now, Tuesday, October 27, 2015.

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