Tuesday, October 06, 2015

Fall 2015 October 6 Tuesday

56 degrees this morning Walk 38:11 miles

Listening to a book this morning about “Gaspipe:  Confessions of a Mafia Boss”.  I thought it would be a major change from the books I have been reading.  

However, except for the brutal murders etc., there appears to be a lot of similarities.  The “network” that provides the vast amounts of money etc. resembles being “connected”.  

When I hear about drug companies say they are right in “maximizing profits” by bankrupting sick people and raising insurance rates when they buy “old” drugs and vastly raise the prices for people who depend on them to live, I have to say they are probably worse than the mafia.  

The drug companies who raise the price of a drug by literally thousands of percent and hurt people who depend on it and increase medical costs and insurance for everyone  certainly do a lot more damage to people and are bigger thieves than the mafia ever even thought of being. 

At the risk of feeling a little like a turncoat, I purchased one of the $50 “Kindle Fire” iPads.  Our intent was to use it primarily as a remote for our security system and whatever else we needed around the house.  

Of course, there is not currently “an app for that” that works on the $50 Kindle Fire.  

However, I am impressed.  For $50 it is a e-book reader, an audio book speaker, a calendar, e-mail etc., as well as music player, a basic camera and a lot of other things done by the iPad.  

Of course, it has some major limitations, but for $50 it is impressive.  It will be even more impressive when more apps are available.  

I don’t know that it will replace the iPad, but it will certainly be useful for $50.  

Speaking of apps, after paying $50 for a “pulse oximeter”, I checked the “app store” and….  of course there are several “apps” that do the same and more for anything from free to $4.99!  Teach me to check the “apps” first!  

It has been interesting to see how my oxygen level (and pulse) change throughout the day, right after exercise, right after I wake up  etc.  I’m sure I will soon get tired of checking all the time, but it is kind of fun now.  

At it is fun as long as my oxygen level continues to be ok!  My pulse has never been a problem (frequently it is in the 38 range, if I am resting  although it is more when I am moving about. 

Going out “in the field” today, working on some both old and new accounts.  I always enjoy it.

Been trying to get back into my exercise routine, walk, swimming and bicycling.  Just a matter of finding the time.

Dream during my “post exercise” nap yesterday was strange.  By the time I thought to write it down, I had forgotten a lot of it.  Interesting dream.

10 5 15 Monday Dream

Dreamed I was in a small town.  During the entire dream, I was trying to find a place to eat.  I would go to a place and it would be deserted. 

I would see people walking around outside, but no one even really came beck to a store/restaurant where I was at the time.

It was a city with a town square, kind of like Holton, Kansas

I don’t recall a lot of it now, but the restaurants all had those old wood floors the “worn” wood type of floor.

It was one of those dreams where it was like I wasn’t noticed, even though I was there

That’s it for now, Tuesday, October 6, 2015.

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